[verhaal] Lost in thoughts..(incompleet)

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[verhaal] Lost in thoughts..(incompleet)

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 27-09-04 16:36

ik heb er een hele tijd erover gedacht om dit ergens neer te zetten. het is gewoon een verhaal die ik heb gemaakt. Ik heb het wel in het engels geschreven aangezien ik daarin veel makkelijker schrijf(vraag me niet waarom) dus er zullen nog wel allemaal fouten erin zitten, maar die hoop ik zoveel mogelijk eruit te halen.

geschreven door: lisette(koe)
titel: Lost in thoughts..
genre: Drama, en ook wel romantiek

samenvatting: het is een verhaal over een jongen genaamd Dash die een meisje tegenkomt genaamd Selphie. en die worden uiteindelijk verliefd. Maar die Selphie is een beetje geheimzinnig over dingen, en dat brent af en toe wendingen in het verhaal.

Je leest het verhaal van Dash's kant en de kant van Selphie, ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden, Je kunt hieronder de eerste 3 hoofdstukken lezen. en ik hoor graag de reacties op mijn verhaal.

Chapter 1: Back to School

Dash’s POV:

“Are you ever planning to get out of bed?” great just my luck. I had the most awesome dream in my life and when I just was about to kiss the most prettiest girl ever my mother woke me up. I sighted and got out of bed. I picked up some clothes, which lay on the floor from the day before, and I got dressed. I walked down the stairs and looked in the mirror, which have hung there my whole life. I had blond hair, which was a bit longer than boys normally had, and it stood in almost every direction, but it looked really nice to be honest. My hair looked like I had dyed it, which I haven’t. My skin was tanned and it made my blond hair come out even worse. I had blue eyes like most blondes had “still the same messy head as ever.” I walked to the living room where my mother had already prepared my breakfast.
“So you have decided to get out of bed, good.” My mother was making bread for herself, which she could eat in the break at her work. “I’ll be home late, there is a pizza in the fridge if you like. And if you want something else you should buy it yourself because I haven’t found the time to get some food.. If you need something you can always call me.. By now!” she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away. I heard the door and a few minutes I heard that she drove away in her new car. I looked at my breakfast and I saw that it existed out of two slices of bread with 2 slices of cheese on it.. “Not really a breakfast” I picked up the plate with the bread and walked to the trashcan where I threw my breakfast in. than I walked to cupboard where I grabbed an already opened bag of chips and I ate some. “Not really a breakfast either but at least it’s better than my bread” I looked at my watch and noticed that it was already eight o’clock. I threw the bag of chips away and grabbed my back and got on my way to school.
“Another boring day on school, I wonder of something neat will ever happen someday, but I bet people have banished that to happen because else the children would have to much fun” I said this out loud with a funny and sarcastic voice. After a little while of walking I arrived at my school “still the same boring prison as every year, thank god this is my last year!” I continued my walk in school and met some of my friends. I walked to the class where we had to assemble because it was a whole new year with new people.. ‘Yay’
I opened the door to my classroom and I saw a lot of other students sitting on their chairs. The teacher told me to sit down and wait for a few minutes until the missing children would arrive as well.
I sat down at a chair next to the window. I looked around in the class to get a view of my new classmates. There were a lot of children from my old class and some of them I knew from my friends, and just as in almost every class there were some nerds in it too. Nothing special. Suddenly someone tapped me on my back and I looked around. “Guess you are stuck with me again!” I smiled, the one who had tapped my back was called Dean and he has been my best friend for many years now. We were in the same class for four years in a row. But I didn’t really matter because he was just crazy, without him my life would probably have been really boring. “So any news that I should know?” “Not much, misses Woodfire is getting married and Sandy has moved to New Zealand” “so they finally moved to New Zealand” a few other students came in and the last one, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes closed the door. The girl caught my eye when she got in but she didn’t even looked around but just sat down on a chair at the other side of the classroom and just stared at the blackboard.
“Well the girls are okay..” and right on that moment the teacher started to speak. “Welcome, my name is Caroline and I’m your teacher for today. You are in a new class, and it will be your last year on this school.. If you pass your exams.” The teacher talked for another half an hour about our new school year and how different it would be. I wasn’t really paying attention and I said with a soft voice “boring!” The teacher looked at me “excuse me but if you want to talk please speak out loud so that everyone can hear you!” I looked up at the teacher, which seemed a bit pissed off. “I said that it was boring!” the teacher didn’t really like that answer because she turned all red. “Well mister.. You seem to be the funny one in class but may I warn you that I don’t like people who are holding other people up in class! And my story might not be interesting for you but perhaps some other people will think it’s interesting” she pointed without thinking her hand to the nerds at the corner of the classroom.
I decided to sit down and to be quiet because this was the first day of the new school year and I was already having trouble with the teachers.
When the class was over I followed Dean to a table where we would have our lunch. “Well that went great!” “You really pissed her off, but hey.. She asked for it!” “I can’t help it that her little story was so dead boring! And to be honest it wasn’t meant for her to hear that!” Dean laughed and eventually I started to laugh as well. When I sat down and looked around I saw that girl from my class all alone at a table somewhere at the other side of the room. What was so special about her? She looked sad like something was bothering her, and she barely ate something.
“He where are you thinking at?” I looked up and I saw Dean and Sam, another friend of mine looking at me. “Nothing.. I was just thinking!” Dean looked really serious now “You think too much man! before you know you end up like those two!” he pointed at some nerds who were playing with their laptops. And I started to laugh, “You are mean!” “Well of course I am.. I’m Meany Deanie remember!” we all laughed about it because it has become a nickname for my friend when he made a first grader cry by just saying that she looked like a cow.
The bell rang and we all went to our classes again to hear another boring story.
The day went slow and I just couldn’t help myself staring at that girl, there was something wrong with her! I could tell. I wonder what..”

Selphie’s POV:

Even before sunrise I stood up and I got dressed. I looked in the mirror as I always did and I looked at myself. I had long brown hair and blue eyes. I never considered myself as pretty but that had a reason though everyone told me that I was pretty.
I stuck up my hair and put my make up on; I always preferred that it was as dark as possible but that had its reasons as well. I walked to my window and opened it so that I could smell the fresh air. I looked up and I saw that the moon was shining bright.
“How would it be, if it was all different? What if I was a boy?. Or an animal” I just started to talk to the moon like it would ever speak back to me. When I realised that I was talking to something what wouldn’t talk back I decided to get to the kitchen and prepare my breakfast.
I walked to the refrigerator and looked at the food what I could eat for breakfast. I decided to bake an egg and as my drink I choose a glass off milk. I sat at the kitchen table all by myself because no one was home. I lived with a older woman called Hannah she was my doctor and my best friend, after that horrible time with my father she decided to take me in but not as a daughter because I didn’t wanted that. “Why not” she had said but it was just the fact that I was the only one left from my family. My mother died when I was really young and my father.. He did some horrible things to me and is locked in a clinic now to become.. ‘Normal’ Hannah now took care of me though she was working a lot in the hospital. She has become a really good doctor so they needed her at the hospital. But I didn’t mind that she was away a lot. In fact I liked it. I just love the moments that I am alone and just thinking about your own life. I loved to be with myself.
I finished my breakfast and I made myself ready for the new school day. Hannah insisted that I would go to school, because I never really had social contacts. She picked out a school that she thought that was good for me and she told them my situation so that they could prepare them on my arrival.
It was true that I didn’t had any social contacts, I liked to be alone and especially because of my father. They all asked me what was wrong and I just wanted to be alone so I decided to run away. Since than I haven’t been to school for a long time and I just studied a bit from the books that Hannah bought for me to study at home. “You can’t get some work without a study” she said. I didn’t mind to read those books, I always thought it was easy and it wasn’t that hard to learn it. I had to take a test if I was capable for the last class but I passed that test with flying colours.
It was eight o’clock now and I had to leave for school, I took the bus because the school was to far to walk too. After fifteen minutes I arrived at the school. From the outside it looked like a prison and to be honest from the inside it looked the same. I wonder why they have built it like that? Wouldn’t it help if it had some colours it as well? O well, what do I know, and why do I care! I don’t care about the world anymore because someone made that possible. I always wanted to die; nobody would miss me in this stinky world. But when I tried it they found me on time and I had to be for a long time in the hospital. I hated hospitals, they saved lives. I had to promise Hannah that I wouldn’t kill myself so I did. Too bad I did, I’ve learnt from my mother to keep promises and that is one of the few memories of my mother so I never wanted to break that memory. So no matter what cost, I would keep my promises.
I walked to the classroom and I saw that everyone was waiting for the last one to get in. as soon as I sat down the teacher which name was Caroline started to speak about our last year on school. I didn’t listen to her story because it was dead boring and to be honest I didn’t care about school at all; I’m here because I had to. Nothing more. And why is that boy at the other side staring at me? Leave me alone would you!”
I had to laugh when the boy suddenly said out loud that the teacher’s story was boring. She totally freaked out! Too bad that was the most exiting part of this entire day. I sat alone at the lunch and guess what! The boy looked at me.. Again!. Why won’t they leave me alone?. Perhaps I should talk to non-living things like I used to do. They never asked me what’s wrong. They just listen to me.

Chapter 2: Alone

Dash’s POV:

I was on my way to home when I heard Dean saying something to me. “Hey Dash are you going to the party?” “What party?” “Haven’t you heard? Mike is giving a big party to honour his freedom”
Dean and I met Mike a few years back when he was working at our school as punishment for the graffiti wall at the front of the school. He was a few years older than us but we became friends as soon as we met him. But now he finally moved out the house of his parents and he now lived in a house in the middle of nowhere. “I don’t know, who are coming to the party than?” “Everyone, he has invited the whole neighbourhood and more! It will be a great party and I heard that Anouk will come as well!” Dean showed an evil smile on his face, he knew that I’ve had a crush on her since the first grade but somehow I never dared to ask, maybe it has been the reason that Anouk was also known as a man-hater. She was pretty with her perfectly matched body and her blonde hair and her good sense of clothing.
She could have had al the boys of the school but without a reason she always turned them down. Since then there has been a bet between my friends and I that I would eventually get her as my girlfriend. But I haven’t really got the change to make her mine.
“Alright I’ll come, perhaps it will be the only fun thing to do this school year so I shouldn’t miss it.” Dean smiled and just stared at me until I noticed that he was staring at me. “What?”
“You are thinking again! What’s going on in that water head of yours?” I gave Dean a punch for teasing me. “I was just thinking about that girl in class, there is something with her” “o you mean that Gothic girl. Do you fancy her?” “What? No! She is just so different.. She looks so sad!” “Perhaps she shows us the future!” Dean held up his hands like it was a sign “watch out! school is dangerous, look what happen if you go to school!” I laughed at what Dean was telling me. “But you can’t deny that under all of that make up that she is pretty!” “Perhaps.. She just isn’t my type” “No! your type is more like.. Kiara” Now Dean punched me away. Kiara had been a girl from two years back that had a crush on Dean but Dean didn’t wanted her because she was … fat. “No way I’m dating a cow!” “Come on Dean not everyone who is fat is a cow! Some people can’t help it that they are like that!”
Dean didn’t listen to me and just focused on the two girls that were standing aside the road. “Hello ladies!” they started to giggle when he said that. “He Dash, I have to go now, I’ll see you later.” He walked away in a street and I watched at him until he was out of sight.
How could he be that energetic and happy the whole day? Doesn’t he ever feel the need to be alone and just think about the rest of your life or at least some other things than having fun?
I continued my walk back home and when I got home I saw the organised mess like I’ve left it this morning. Almost instantly I searched for something to eat but than I remembered that there wasn’t something to eat except the bag of chips, which I had, ate this morning.
I decided to sit down on the cough and watch some TV.
I went through a lot of channels until I ended up at a music channel. “No, No, No!.. Away with the creep!” There was a music special of Michael Jackson on the TV. I zapped through some other channels until I decided to put it on a channel with some boring movie on it. The movie was about a girl who had some troubles at home and that she wanted to kill herself for that! “It's so fake! look at those tears! It’s WATER!!” After an hour of watching that movie my stomach started to grumble so I decided to get the pizza, which was meant to be my dinner for today.
When I was eating my dinner I was thinking about Mike’s party. If he invited the whole neighbourhood, the girl from my class might come as well. Am I thinking about her again? Why? Is it true? Have I fallen in love with her? I’ve never been in love before, yes I’ve had Many girls, but it never was serious it has been more for the fun.

Selphie’s POV:

Well the classes at school were as boring as I had suspected. They just talked about what we had to do this school year and something about learning. I am glad that I can go home now. I was slowly walking to the bus stop being a bit lost in my thoughts when I saw that boy that had been staring at me the whole time passing by. Even this time he looked back. Why does he keep staring at me? I haven’t done anything wrong did I?
I almost missed the bus because I was walking that slowly. When I got in the bus I saw that the driver looked a bit irritated at me. There were hardly any seats in the bus so I decided to sit next to a chubby boy with a ridiculously long sandwich in his hands. I saw him taking a bite of that sandwich, though it didn’t really fit in his mouth. The boy looked at me and brought the hands with the sandwich near me “Do you want a piece?” is he offering me a piece of his sandwich? I shook my head and stared out of the window at the other side so that I wouldn’t have to look at the boy next to me.
I just knew that the boy kept staring at me and eventually he started to talk about his life and all of his problems. “People say that I should eat less, but it’s just the fact that I like food too much!” and things like that. The whole trip the boy shared his problems with me, like I was listening to him. Eventually he asked me a question. “Why are you so sad when you are that pretty?” I looked at the boy into his brown eyes in his chubby face. With a mumbling voice I answered: “don’t know” and I quickly turned away again. Doesn’t that boy understand my signs, signs that say: leave me alone! I don’t care about your problems or your life! I’ve got my own life and troubles that I’ve to take care fore and therefore I don’t need yours!
I was glad when I was able to get out of the bus, away from the boy, which shared his problems with me.
I was standing on the sidewalk and I looked around, nobody was walking on the streets, I was all alone. I just loved these moments, just being alone with your mind. I felt the wind blowing threw my hair and I looked up. The clouds were dark and it looked like it could rain any minute. “Please wait with raining for a few minutes” with a small smile I continued with walking to my home, which wasn’t that far from the bus stop. I emptied the mailbox and I noticed a small envelope. I went inside with the mail in my hand, there I opened the small envelope and read the message inside.
It was an invitation for some big party in the neighbourhood. “Well I know what to do with this invitation.” I walked to the trashcan in the kitchen and threw the invitation away.
Hannah would be disappointed if she figured out that I didn’t socialised by coming to that party, but I don’t want to go. First of all, I didn’t knew those people and secondly.. I wanted to be alone.. Alone.

Chapter 3:The Girl

Dash’s POV:

I was sitting on my room reading some magazine that I’ve found under my bed when my mother came in my room with the phone in her hand. “Dean is on the phone” I grabbed the phone out of my mothers hand and started to talk to Dean while I was waving at my mother to get out of my room.
“Hey what’s up?” “Are you still coming to the party?” “Yeah, if my mom allows me too, or else you should come over and bug her” “than I will see you at the party or give me a call when you aren’t able to come, bye” I hung op the phone and walked downstairs.
My mother was watching TV and when I walked in she looked up. “What are you two planning to do?” “I’m going to Mike’s Party tonight so I will be home late.” She sighted and stood up to get something to drink. “You know that I don’t like you to go to those kind of parties, there is no one who is responsible.. No parents who are keeping an eye on the party” “Mom! I’m going! And we can care for ourselves and if not.. Well than it’s too bad.” She shook her head and looked a bit sad at me.
She always did that when she didn’t wanted me to leave, it made me feel guilty for leaving her alone so I always stayed at home, but not this time! This would be my only change with Anouk or at least having some fun. I am going to that party no matter what cost.
I went to my room to put on some other clothes that looked a bit better than my other clothes, which were full of holes in it. My mother wanted to throw my clothes away but I convinced her that I would only put them on when I was at home. She looked a bit weird at me when I asked that but those clothes were very important to me. They reminded me at my father which has left my mother three years ago.
My father had been a man who never knew where to stop; he always did crazy things with my mother and me. And when we were on a holiday somewhere in the middle of the winter to go ice fishing. I remembered that it had been the most fun thing that I’ve done with my father until my parents disagreed with each other. It even went that far that my father has left us alone. I remember how much I hated him when I found out that he wouldn’t come back to us, and I was even mad at my mother for letting that happen.
I looked at my watch and noticed that it was already eight o’ clock and that it was time for me to walk to the party. I rushed down the stairs and grabbed my phone from the kitchen table. “I’ll walk back home, so don’t stay up for me!” “Dash!.. Be careful! and don’t let anyone put something in your drinks and..” I already walked away leaving my mother behind in the living room still talking about what I should and should not do. I even could predict what she was going to say. “Nothing will happen” I shouted and than I was on my way to Mike’s house.
When I walked through the streets sometimes passing by some people who were on their way back home, I noticed that it became colder. While I walking through the shopping centre I thought back at Anouk, the way she was and walked and when she even smiled at me. The last few days I thought about all the possible things to make her mine. But to be honest, I couldn’t find any of them that haven’t been tried by other boys. “Maybe she doesn’t even like boys?” without even realising I said that out load and when I heard someone coughing behind me I noticed that everybody could hear me.
I started to walk a bit faster, I was a bit ashamed for saying that out loud, but thank god no one of my friends heard that. I bet they would be laughing their ashes off when they heard me saying that. I was lost in my thoughts again and I didn’t really paid attention at where I was walking until I suddenly walked against someone. “O, excuse me, I wasn’t paying attention.” The person turned around and I saw that I just walked up against that strange girl from my class. “It’s okay” she mumbled and turned away again. She didn’t walked away or something like that she just stared at a.. Building. “O hi, I didn’t notice that it was you, we are sitting in the same class remember” she looked at me again and mumbled: “I know” and looked at the building again. Can’t she speak I whole sentences? What’s up with that girl? And what’s that special about that building? I’ve got to find out a bit more. “So what’s your name?” she looked at me again. “It’s Selphie” Selphie huh, that’s a fitting name for her. “Nice name, My name is Dashel, but my friends just call me Dash” I saw that she forced a little smile on his face but it didn’t really meant something, I also noticed that she was getting a bit nervous from me but I had to find out a bit more of her, what was that special that attracted me so much? “So what are you doing?” “Nothing, just being alone for a while, But I’ve to go now” The girl now walked away from me without even saying goodbye. “Hey are you coming to Mike’s Party?” she shouted a “no” back at me.
She wasn’t that social as I preferred that girls were, but I still didn’t have the answers I needed. I watched at the clock, which was hanging on the wall, and I saw it was nine o'clock. I quickly continued with walking to Mike’s house but I couldn’t stop thinking about that girl, Selphie and I seem to have forgotten Anouk.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 28-09-04 18:31

noujah en het volgende hoofdstuk dan maar, ik zou alleen wel graag willen weten wat jullie er nou van vinden.

Chapter 4: the Party

Dash’s POV:

After a little while of walking and closely to running I arrived at Mike’s neighbourhood. Even from here I could here the loud music playing and the people at the party having fun. I arrived at Mike’s house where I saw a lot of people standing outside with drinks in their hands, just talking with each other. Most of the people at this party were between the sixteen and the twenty- five. I walked through the front door which stood open because people walked through it every second. I arrived at the living room, which was full with dancing and partying people. In the corner I saw a little bar with beer and other kind of drinks.
I looked at Mike’s house; it surprised me every time when I saw it. His house was just.. Enormous. His parents were really rich and Mike has had almost everything from them. When he wanted to move out his parents searched for the perfect house for their son and ended up with this villa. And too be honest, this house is just too big for someone at this age.
Suddenly I felt a hand resting on my shoulder, I turned my head and I saw Dean standing in front of me with a girl on his side.
The girl annoyed me because she was kissing and trying to do things with Dean while he was talking with me. “So you decided to come huh?” “My mother wasn’t that happy about it, but hey it might be the last time this school year that I can do something fun” “true” I heard something behind me and I saw that someone was lying on the floor and that the people around him all were laughing. “What happened to him?” I asked at a girl who wanted to walk away “don’t know for sure, all I know that he was that nerd from school and that he was dancing and screaming: ‘look at me’ and than I think he fell over his own feet or something like that” “thanks, so even the nerds dared to show up at this party” I turned to Dean again which was busy with his new girlfriend. “Do you know where I can find Mike?” “I think he is at the swimming pool” I smiled and walked through some rooms where I didn’t know the purpose for and ended up in the garden with the swimming pool.
In the middle of the pool I saw Mike sitting on a rubber band with some girls aside him. They were having fun and tried to get Mike in the water. I wanted to walk away because Mike seemed to be too busy with the girls, but than Mike looked up and waved at me. “Glad that you could come” I waved back and shouted: “nice party” back at him but he was already with his mind somewhere else. I walked away and ended in a room, which looked quite similar to the living room.

On the cough I saw Anouk sitting there with two other friends. I remembered my bet with Dean and some other friends of mine. But she was talking to her friends but I didn’t like them at all. They liked the popular boys, though I was one of the boys they liked, I didn’t liked them. I saw that she looked up and saw me standing at the other side of the room, she said something to her friends and walked at me. Why me? “Hey, Dean already told me that you would come to the party.” “He did huh? It has been a while since I saw you but how are you?” “What?” off course, my change to win a bet and I can’t even talk to her because of the music. Anouk smiled and pointed with her finger upstairs. Maybe this is it? What’s that important that she wants to talk with me? Upstairs? Most people who are going upstairs at these kinds of parties will be doing it.
I nodded and followed Anouk to the rooms upstairs, behind me I heard people whistle and when I looked down I even saw Dean smiling, and holding his thumb up. We went through a door and ended up in one of the May bathrooms. Anouk sat down on the toilet seat. What does she want from me? This is not really the place to..? “I want to talk to you, and it’s a bit personal but somehow I feel that you are the only one that I can trust.” Where is this leading too? “Will you promise me that what I’m going to tell you that you’ll keep that between us?” “Yes sure? For what? “Okay, it’s a bit hard but this is going on for a couple of years now and at first I didn’t wanted to believe it. But two weeks ago.. I saw a girl walking through my street and when I saw her walking there, I just felt that I should be there.. With her. It felt like I was in love with her..” Anouk now looked up at me, and I saw tears coming up. “I think I’m..” she started to cry. And my breath stocked. This wasn’t quite the thing I had expected. She looked so sad so I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry out on my shoulder. Ironically we both heard a sad song called: Forgive me from evanesce playing below. “It’s not that bad, many people are.. Like that. But you should come out for it, talk to you parents about it, most of the society accepts gay people leaving out some jerks who likes too hurt people.” Still sobbing she smiled. “Thank you, you are a real friend”

Later that night I’ve spent some time with Anouk talking about all kinds of things, and she even laughed again. I made a sign to Dean that I would talk about my little conversation with Anouk tomorrow. When it was late in the night, I didn’t even know how late is was I went on my way back home. So that was the reason.. I’ve never thought that she was?.. And how on earth I’m going to explain this to Dean and the others who are dying to know what has happened between us.

Selphie’s POV:

When I came home, I saw Hannah sitting on the couch watching the news. She looked back when she heard me come in and stood up. “Listen, I know that I’ve got nothing to tell about you, what you do.. Is what you do? But please remind that I’m here for you, and that I want to help you” “I know” Hannah smiled and sat down again, she knew that talking right now will only make it worse. I just needed some time alone and think. Pretty strange actually.. She knows more about me than I do about myself.
I went up to my room; I closed the door behind me and walked to my bed, which stood near the window. I sat down and looked around. My room was a bit weird if you would compare it to other rooms. Normally people liked it when the rooms were colourful and full of light but I preferred that everything was dark. The walls were black red just as my ceiling, my desk and closets were made of wood which was painted black, and my curtains were dark blue close to black. The lights in my room were dimmed so much so that it made my room even scarier. I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling and thought about all kinds of things but I ended up with that boy again. What was his name? O yeah, Dash.. He seemed different than all the other people I’ve met. And why did he stare at me at school? Did he fancy me? Probably not, I can bet that he has had almost everyone at school. Or at least the one who were a bit popular. I sighted, stood up and walked to my desk and picked up the photograph of my mother that I have put there since I started to live here. It was my only photograph of her and it was my only good memory of her. “I miss you… you would know what to do.. I know.. For sure” I felt tears coming up because memories of my mother started to rush through my head and most of them weren’t that great. I sniffed and wiped the upcoming tears away. No I must be strong! I’ve made a promise to her and I’m not going to break it!

I walked to my stereo and made it play my CD of gothic music. Than I walked to my closet, opened it and I grabbed a big box out of it. I dragged the box to my desk. In that box there were all kinds of materials, but most of them were meant for drawing. I grabbed some special paper out of it and some pencils. “Now what should I draw?” I looked around and spotted a book of school with all the photos of the students on school. I opened the page of my class and looked at the photograph of the boy I met. Don’t ask me why, but I started to draw him. There was something about him that attracted me to him. Many hours I sat behind my desk drawing that boy from the photograph until I heard Hannah knocking on my door. “Yes” Hannah opened the door and came in; she was dressed in her working outfit, which meant that she had to work this night. “I just got a phone call that they need me at the hospital, so I’ll be there if you need me.” I nodded and I saw that Hannah walked away and a few minutes later I heard the door opening and getting closed again. I looked on my watch and noticed that it got pretty late. I left my unfinished drawing as it was and went to bed. “Tomorrow another boring day”


Berichten: 213
Geregistreerd: 02-08-04
Woonplaats: Belgie

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-09-04 14:56

ik vind het spijtig dat hem niet in het nederlands is....


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 29-09-04 16:54

ik schrijf makkelijker in het engels, en het is ook denk ik het feit dat ik het ook op engelse fora plaats.

moet ik het volgende hoofdstuk ook plaatsen, aangezien ik nu ook weet dt mensen het lezen?


Berichten: 9151
Geregistreerd: 27-01-02
Woonplaats: Geboren in Dordt,via H.I Ambacht in Lelystad terecht gekomen!

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-09-04 20:42

Doe maar ik vind het goed ..ookal is engels niet mn beste vak you know that Knipoog


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 30-09-04 16:36

hey, je leest het ook

hier is het eerste deel van hoofdstuk 5(dus Dash's POV alleen), de rest komt later

Chapter 5: love?

Dash’s POV:

The whole night I’ve been thinking about Anouk’s little secret, how do you have to deal with this? And how am I supposed to tell this to my friends? Won’t it be mean to tell it to them? At least I have promised that I wouldn’t. I sighted and continued my walk to school. I already heard the bell ring when I entered the door “fiets” I walked a bit faster, not that it would really help because our teacher hated it when people were late and especially if I came late!
I arrived at my classroom and saw that the door was closed. I opened the door and I saw that everyone in the class stared at me “well, you are late again? What’s your excuse this time?” misses Woodfire, looked angrily at me and even before I realised it the words already came out of my mouth: “well people are like magnets, at one person you get attracted to some others drive you away, and that last part is what has happened between you and me” I said this with quite a serious face and the whole class laughed at my answer. I even saw that Dean stuck up his dumb showing me that that was a great joke. I quickly looked at the girl in the corner which name is Selphie. She showed a little smile, and knowing that she liked my little joke gave me a really good feeling.
Misses Woodfire’s face got all red and I looked like she would explode but she didn’t. “So, you are still the funny one from class, perhaps you’ll like this! I want you to write 100 papers full with the words: ‘I’m not funny’ and I want it tomorrow.. Morning!” the whole class became silent now, waiting for me to answer. “What? I’m not going to do that! And even if I would, I would still prefer to give it to a dog than giving it to you!” Oops I guess I overdue it now. But hey, she asked for it! 100 papers full , not even a normal person would be able to accomplish that.
Misses Woodfire started to scream and her head even started to become purple “don’t be that stubborn boy! I gave you an order that you should follow, I’m the one who will make you able to do something in the future” and she continued for another fifteen minutes till she noticed that the words didn’t even got through me. She has send me to the headmaster with the note that I was ‘unfaithful, and rude’

I waited before the door of the headmaster with the note, after a short while the door slammed open and I saw a girl coming outside with tears on her cheeks. The headmaster called “next” and I stood up and entered his room. I closed the door behind me because I knew that from the last time I entered this room. Though the reason has escaped of me. “So, Dash what have you done this time?” I stepped forward and I gave the headmaster the note. While he was reading the note I examined the headmaster.
Too be honest, the headmaster was quite fat, he sat down on his chair, which squeaked every time he moves, and that was a lot! He was bold and his face was always grumpy, I have never saw him smiling. But perhaps that is a headmaster’s thing. He looked up “it says her that you have offended misses Woodfire, and she used the words ‘unfaithful and rude” what is your story?” o, come on? You believe that story? “Well, I entered the class too late, to be exact I was two minutes too late! And she was already angry when I came in. She asked me for my excuse like I always made them up. So I said that she didn’t quite attracted me to come to class. She almost exploded of my answer and told me to write 100 papers full with some stupid lines. I refused it and she started to scream at me and she sent me to you with this note” Was that a smile on his face? “Well I guess you’ve met your equal at school, I won’t punish you this time, because I think 100 papers is a little bit too much, but the next time I will.” “O thank you, sir” I wanted to walk away when I heard the Headmaster talking again “o Dash, watch out with her, she not quite the person to mess with” I smiled “I’ll keep that in mind sir” Is he serious? I always thought that he and misses Woodfire were good friends?

When I got out of the room I noticed that the break was about to begin so I decided to eat my lunch. I saw Selphie sitting on a table, the little voices in my head told me to talk to her. My feat went into her direction and before I knew it she looked back and saw that I was approaching her. “Hey, how are you?” I saw some weird shine on her eyes, and I also saw that she was uncomfortable “fine” “I saw that you were sitting here alone, so perhaps you want some company?” “No thanks” what’s this? Everyone wants somebody you can’t be alone forever? I just sat down at the other side of the table; she looked at me with disbelief, like it was impossible for me to sit down at this table. “So what do you think of the class with misses Woodfire?” I’ll get her to talk. At first she looked at the table and her food but now she looked at me, her eyes met mine. And it gave me a weird feeling. It looked like she felt the same because she quickly turned her eyes off of me. “It was fun” I shook my head, stood up and walked to my friends we just got a table nearby and waved at me to come to them.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 30-09-04 17:34

en het tweede gedeelte van hoofdstuk 5

Selphie’s POV:

With my head bowed to the ground I walked to the bus stop. I wasn’t able to sleep that well that night, dreams which were strange for me. Unexplainable, the only link between them was that boy called Dash, he appeared in every one and every time when I saw him I got a strange feeling. What was wrong with me? I never felt like that? Somehow it made me feel save, but that save feeling also frightened me.
A few minutes later I sat on the backseat of the bus looking out of the window. I saw lots of children walking or bicycling to school. What would Hannah say if I told her about my strange feelings? Why would I tell her in the first place? Is this so frightening that I cannot handle this alone? I was so lost in thoughts that I suddenly heard someone talking to me “what?” “We have arrived at the school, you’ll have to get out now” I looked through the window and I saw the school standing at the other side of the road. “O yeah, thanks for telling me” I quickly stepped out and walked to the entrance of the school.

Inside everyone blocked the road to get to my locker because right on that spot some people were fighting. Everyone looked who would win the fight, the boy with the long hair and the baggy trousers, or the black boy with his signed baseball cap who has clearly offended the one in the baggy trousers. I saw the boy in the baggy trousers getting smashed against the lockers. I sighted and tried to get my way through the ones who were watching the fight. “Let me through! out of my way!..” sometimes I pushed some people aside just to band my way through all the people. I arrived at the spot where the two boys were fighting, everybody made place to let them fight, but I just tore them apart and opened my locker, which were behind the fighting boys and got my books out of it. Everybody including the fighting boys looked confused and a bit surprised at me. Then the bell rang and everybody left to his or her own classrooms left the still confused boys behind.
Without even looking at them I also walked to my classroom.

Misses Woodfire was just telling another boring story when Dash entered the classroom. She must really hate him because she already blamed him for making excuses when he arrived to late for class. She started with the line: “well, you are late again? What’s your excuse this time?” well Dash felt a bit offended by that and actually made the perfect answer. Which made me smile “well people are like magnets, at one person you get attracted to some others drive you away, and that last part is what has happened between you and me” I didn’t like misses Woodfire and this was just what she needed, the whole class laughed but misses Woodfire almost exploded. She blamed him for a lot of things but I bet that Dash haven’t heard a thing what she has said because he didn’t even looked at her? I saw that he smiled when he looked at me, why? When misses Woodfire noticed that he wasn’t really listening she ended with: “So, you are still the funny one from class, perhaps you’ll like this! I want you to write 100 papers full with the words: ‘I’m not funny’ and I want it tomorrow.. Morning!”
We all became quiet when she shouted that! Not even a normal person would be able to do that. Secretly I hoped that he made another crazy answer, just to make a fool of misses Woodfire. “What? I’m not going to do that! And even if I would, I would still prefer to give it to a dog than giving it to you!” the whole class laughed again and I smiled even more, I never really laughed but this cheered me up. I was glad to know that the boy didn’t really cared about it. He was send to the headmaster with some stupid note.
There was something about that boy; it was the first time that I’ve smiled at school just because of a joke. And too be honest. I loved that feeling.

After another boring story of misses Woodfire and her little talk about respect the break began and I found a table to sit on and started to eat my lunch. I heard something and looked back and I saw that Dash was on his way to my table. “Hey, how are you?” I looked up; just let him go away please “fine” “I saw that you were sitting here alone, so perhaps you want some company?” “No thanks” I lied, he liked him to be around, he gave me some weird feeling that scared me but it also made me feel safe. He just pretended like he didn’t heard hit and continued with talking. Thank god! “So what do you think of the class with misses Woodfire” he really wants to talk to me, what should I say? Nobody normally talks with me, I’m the creepy girl remember! “It was fun” I saw that Dash looked disappointed he shook his head, stood up and walked away. “With a soft voice so that nobody could here me I said: “I really hate myself! Why did I say that?” I really hated myself for that, this was my change to get some friends and I just keep my distance, is it true what Hannah says? That once you are used to it, it’ll be harder to get back?


Berichten: 10446
Geregistreerd: 07-09-03

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 30-09-04 18:07

Ik heb het 2e gedeelte van hoofdstuk 5 nog niet gelezen, maar de rest wel, ik zal zo als ik tijd heb het 2e gedeelte van hoofdstuk 5 wel lezen! (ik moet zo eten Bloos )

Maar tot nu toe vind ik het heel goed!! Ik wil echt doorlezen. Haha!


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 01-10-04 14:26

mooi, ik ben nu bezig met hoofdstuk 6, dus die komt ook wel binnenkort


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 01-10-04 17:15

oke, hier is het eerste gedeelte van hoofdstuk 6, ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden.

Chapter 6: Secret revealed

Dash’s POV:

A few days on school have past and I still couldn’t get Selphie out of my head. Secretly I liked her but she didn’t gave any signs to me that she liked me as well, in fact she wouldn’t even talk to me! She did have become quite famous at school thanks to her weird action at the lockers, and is now known as the witch of the school. Everyday I see her sitting at a table.. Alone and lost in her thoughts but she never seemed to be bothered by it. She did what she had to do and nothing more. Maybe that inspired me so much?.. Or maybe not…

“DASH! DINNER IS READY!” I looked up from my book, which I tried to read, but didn’t really worked because I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I walked to my radio and turned off the volume. “What?” “I said that Dinner was ready!” I threw the book on the bed and walked down the stairs. How could I make her realise that I liked her? I mean I’m pretty sure now I never felt something like this and something attracted me to her. Maybe I should do it on an other way? Maybe I should try to be friends with her?
I entered the living room and saw that my mother has cooked some weird brown stuff? “What’s this?” I looked really weird at the food. When I put my fork in the brown stuff and let it go, it still stood the same. I looked at my mother “you are sure this is eatable?” My mother looked a bit angry at me “come on, you have had this before! And yes it isn’t what it should be but I’m sure that you can eat it. Still a bit angry with me she putted her fork in her mouth and almost immediately she looked really weird, a bit disgusted at the food. I couldn’t help myself and started to laugh, “what’s wrong mom, I’m sure that you can eat it! It might not taste that well! But hey!” she sighted and looked at me on a way that she always did when I was right and she wasn’t “go get two pizza’s from the freeze than I’ll throw this away” I smiled and almost run off to the freeze. I just loved it when my mother screwed up her cooking’s because that would mean that we would eat something that I liked.

The next day I decided to run to school to get on time because I left to late as normally. “Misses Woodfire will get a shock when she sees that I’m on time for class” An evil grin appeared on my face and the excitement made me run even faster. A bit out of breath I arrived at school and saw Dean and some other friends waiting before their lockers and when they saw me they looked surprised “Hey, Dash! You are to early!” I smiled and opened my locker for my books. “It’s new, I call it: ‘I-want-to-be-on-time-today’” they all laughed about my little joke and we all went to our classrooms.
Misses Woodfire opened the classroom for us. And entered the classroom as well. I saw that Selphie entered the classroom like everybody else and that she took seat at a table next to the window. I looked at Dean, which waved at me, letting me now that I had to sit next to him. I shook my head and walked to the table where Selphie was sitting on. Misses Woodfire sat down on her chair, grabbed her little black booklet and she checked who wasn’t present in class, till she arrived at my name “so, mister Dash is late again” I smiled and raised my hand “excuse me, but I’m sitting here!” Misses Woodfire looked up and remained silent for a while, she was a bit confused about what to do but than she continued “well glad to know that you are on time for a change” everybody laughed because of misses Woodfire’s expression.
I looked at Selphie which just stared at the blackboard waiting till misses Woodfire would began her boring story as usual and the homework for the next lesson.

The next class would be sociology, I liked those classes because the teacher was nice and she never gave us homework. And mostly in her classes we would have discussions about the society and the problems within it. This time we did the same and we had to discuss about the statement: ‘People who rape and cruel people should be for lifetime in prison’ I sat at the other side of Selphie and I responded at someone who has told her opinion about the statement. “I think, that those people should be punished but a lifetime for only hitting people? I think that is too harsh. Those people need help instead of a lifetime in prison. Then Selphie stood up ready to say her opinion, everybody looked a bit surprised at her because she never said anything, especially with these kinds of things. “I think that they should be hanged, they are sick in their head and doesn’t deserve to live anymore” is she serious? She looks determined “why? Should they die when they haven’t killed anyone, they only have hurt those people” she stood up again, what surprised me again. Even the teacher seemed to be surprised that she spoke but listened carefully to our discussion “that’s not true, when a man does those kind of things, people are more hurt than you might realise, and some people will never get over it an go insane, so in fact he has ruined their lives, he has murdered that person. Maybe not physically but mentally” “how do you know, that those people’s lives are ruined? You don’t know about it, it never happened to you, so how can you speak for others?” Selphie stood up again, wow this has been my first conversation with her, though it’s not the one I prefer to have but it’s a start. She looked angry with me, but she also looked like she was going to cry any minute. With her bag in her hand she spoke to me. Her voice trembled when she spoke and when I heard those words a feeling of guilt came up with me. After those words she left the classroom as quickly as she could and I just knew that she was crying. In my head I heard those words over and over again, the words were: “actually I do know how they feel, because it has happened with me”


Berichten: 3067
Geregistreerd: 13-07-04
Woonplaats: La douce Belgique!

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 01-10-04 17:55

ik begin er niet aan het te lezen,ten eerste omdat het in het engels is en ten tweede omdat het zoveel is Knipoog
vind het wel bizonder dat je er aan begint


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 01-10-04 18:03

dit is eigelijk nog niks... ik heb een keer een verhaal van 62 hoofdstukken geschreven... maarjah als je het niet wilt.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 01-10-04 19:11

en hier is het tweede gedeelte van hoofdstuk 6

Selphie’s POV:

That night I couldn’t sleep at all, I felt so stupid and scared. I never felt like this, well maybe I have..But not the last few years. I stood up and walked to my desk to get the photograph of my mother but on the desk I saw my unfinished drawing. I looked at the drawing. Somehow I’ve always been talented for drawing and those drawings always looked like normal pictures, though this one was still for a half. The mouth, chin, neck and some hair were still missing. I picked it up and looked at the eyes that stared at me. It was creepy because it really looked like him. Tears rolled down my face and I crumpled the drawing and I threw it in my trashcan, the drawing stuck out of it because it was too big for it. I grabbed my photograph, lay down on the bed and started to cry. Why was this so hard? I wish that you were here with me.. Miss you!

The next day I arrived at class and to my surprise Dash was on time for class. I sat down on my favourite spot and waited till misses Woodfire would start her story. Why did Dash shake his head to Dean when he offered him a place to sit and sat down at the seat next to me? I knew that he looked at me? And that weird feeling just got stronger. Misses Woodfire was quite surprised to see Dash as well but she wasn’t that happy about it though.
The next class we had sociology and that meant a discussion about a statement. Normally I said nothing and just listened to what the people thought about it but this time they had a statement that interested me. The statement was: ‘People who rape and cruel people should be for lifetime in prison’ I didn’t really agree about that. It made me angry when I heard that almost everybody found that the punishment was too harsh! I don’t really care about those people, they are sick in their head and they deserve dead! I couldn’t believe that dash also thought that way. I stood up because I really wanted to let it out. I saw that everybody looked confused when I stood up and even when I spoke, they all listened to what I had to say. “I think that they should be hanged, they are sick in their head and doesn’t deserve to live anymore” Maybe I overdue it a bit, but it made me so angry, how on earth could they judge about us. They don’t know the way in which we were feeling. Dash answered again, and it gave me a feeling but not quite similar than the other ones, I was angry with him. “Why? Should they die when they haven’t killed anyone, they only have hurt those people” I stood up again to response on his answer “that’s not true, when a man does those kind of things, people are more hurt than you might realise, and some people will never get over it an go insane, so in fact he has ruined their lives, he has murdered that person. Maybe not physically but mentally” the teacher just let us talk and didn’t interrupt us and even the others all listened to our discussion. “How do you know, that those people’s lives are ruined? You don’t know about it, it never happened to you, so how can you speak for others?” When I heard this I couldn’t believe my ears, how could he think like that? Or am I the only one who thinks different? I thought back and saw everything happening again. A man in my life, very familiar fist hitting my mother and than me. My mother has died from his beatings though people considered it as an accident but I knew better. My voice trembled when I spoke and I felt tears coming up “actually I do know how they feel, because it has happened with me” now the tears rolled down my face and I quickly ran out of the classroom. I wanted to be alone, I’ve never told this to others except for Hannah and some others that were involved when I had to testify against my father. And now I just said it out loud.
All those memories came back to me, and I just couldn’t find my way back, it has happened quite a while ago but it looked like it was yesterday. Nobody has really believed my story till they finally saw that my father really hit me. Though they wouldn’t believe my story about my father. I always blamed him because I was there when it happened. My mother once a cheerful woman, got hit by a car when she tried to run away from him. After she got a few beatings from him off course. Since that I’ve been the one that got hit by him. After a while when I was a bit older he even tried to rape me.

I ran out of the school and just ran my way back home. I couldn’t stop crying because all those memories just came back to me. After a few minutes of running I got tired and walked. Still sobbing about it I continued my way home.
I remembered Dash’s face after I have told him my little secret he was confused, and totally overwhelmed about my answer. Even when I ran away he still looked at the place where I stood. Even the teacher was quite surprised and I ran away to fast for her to respond on what just has happened.

I arrived at home, with my make up totally ran out by my tears and on the cough I saw that Hannah was talking to someone on the cough. When she looked up when she heard someone coming in she saw me standing there, totally lost. The woman next to her looked up too late because I was already on my way to my room.
I entered the room and locked it behind me and with my back against the door I sat down on the ground and continued crying. I heard that Hannah said something to the other woman and I heard the front door. Than I heard Hannah knocking on my door “hey, what’s up? Do you want to talk to me? It might help!” no one could help me, if they could! Than they should have helped me before. It’s to late now. “Leave me alone!” “Please, tell me what’s wrong!”
“Selphie!” I just remained silent till Hannah finally gave up trying to get in and talk with me and just went down to the living room. I looked at the photograph at my desk and I felt a need for some nice warm arms around me. Than I thought about Dash, he seemed to care about me.
Or was he that kind of boy that just tried to make fun of girls by letting them think that they liked them?


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 03-10-04 15:51

hier is het eerste gedeelte van hoofdstuk 7

Chapter 7: Friends

Dash’s POV:

When I got home I sat down on the cough and just continued thinking about what has happened at sociology. “At least I now know the reason why she suddenly interfered in the discussion” I felt so happy when she talked to me though it was in a discussion but the result didn’t really made me happy, in fact it made me feel sad. You could see clearly that that was the reason why she acted like that. And I just blamed her for being crazy!
The pone rang and I picked it up “hello?” “Hi, Dash it’s me Anouk, I just wanted to say that you have helped me a lot by just listening to me. And guess what! You were right. I have talked to my parents and they said that they already thought I was and that they still love me even if I am …different.” “That’s great, glad that I could help!” “Anyway I wanted to thank you and I wanted to invite you for the next season. You know.. Our special ‘celebrate the new year’ weekend and I would like it if you were there. You can bring your friends along as well!” “Thank you, I don’t know if I’m going but I’ll let you know okay” “sure, well bye now!” and she hung up.
I didn’t really felt like partying right now, because I was a bit confused. But why did I feel so bad about it? You know what! I will apologise to her tomorrow when I see her. And with my mind made up I went upstairs until my mother would come back from her work and cook something for me.

Our first class was sociology again and I decided to be early at school so that I would have enough time to explain myself to her. But there was no sign of her at all. Have I scared her so much? What if she doesn’t want to go to school anymore? Would it be my fault? My guilt became stronger by the minute. And I waited for her to show up but she didn’t.
Our class was about to begin when I saw a glimpse of a girl totally dressed in black. That must be her! We all sat down at our seats but I sat at the other side f the room so I couldn’t talk to her. Our teacher now started to talk: “well hello, nice that you all came to class, and I just want to say that it’s time for a little investigation or project or however you want to call it. And you have to turn it in at… 14 November.” The whole class started shouting that was to soon and that they wouldn’t be able to finish it that quickly. I looked at Selphie, which just stared at her table she looked sad and hurt. “Calm down everyone! This is a little project and you’ll not make this alone but you’ll have another classmate that will help you with the project. The subject could be anything you like as long as it’s a subject about the society or any other problems that relate it” A lot of people sighted from relief, but Selphie just stared at the table like she has become some kind of a zombie. “Okay, this hour is meant to search your subject and to choose your partners, so get started” the teacher smiled and sat down on her chair while everyone stood up to make partners. Some even left the classroom and went to the school library to find a subject.
I looked at Dean but he already found his partner so I was all-alone. In the meantime everybody has left the classroom except for Selphie and me, even the teacher went away to copy something for the project. I stood up and sat down at a chair next to Selphie. “Hey, I guess we have to work together, I mean.. You have got no one and so do I..” she looked up for a moment but then continued staring at the table. I sighted “I want to apologise for yesterday.. I didn’t know. If I did.. Then..” God this was hard! “Selphie looked up “then what?” “Well.. Uhm..” then she suddenly started to laugh. She looked really cute when she laughed, it made her look totally different, there was no sign of the ‘witch’ she now showed who she really was, a beautiful young girl. “What’s that funny?” “Nothing, just the fact that you apologise for nothing.” and that was so funny? “Well, maybe I did, but I felt a bit guilty when I saw you running away” she was so pretty when she laughed, she was a total new person and I felt really happy. “So, do you have any ideas for a subject?” I smiled; you bet I know a subject. “I have an idea, but I don’t know if you like it.” “Well come on, tell me!”

That afternoon, Selphie and I were busy talking. Selphie had agreed about my idea and we were now working things out. And if things went as we planned we would probably have the best grade of the class.
The day was over for us and I decided to company Selphie to the bus stop, which wasn’t that far from the school. The bus arrived and Selphie stepped in, but before she got in she turned around “Hey Dash.. Thank you..” than the doors closed and the bus drove away. I saw her looking at me through a window. And when she left I felt an empty feeling. What did she meant by thank you? I haven’t done a thing.. Did I? Or was it the same as with Anouk?

“Girls…they make you crazy!” “I know” when I heard the voice coming behind of me I quickly turned around and I saw Dean standing there. “Moron! You scared me to death!” Dean laughed, “Well you look pretty alive to me!” “Aah, come here!” I ran towards Dean and gave him a push. Dean flew a few meters aside but didn’t fall on the floor, he just kept laughing. I looked satisfied at him and started to walk my way home. Dean looked up and followed me. “I saw that you hade to make the project with the witch, so..” “So what? And her name is Selphie not witch!” then Dean grabbed my arm and turned me around so that I had to look in his face. What does he want from me? “You don’t like her do you?” I pulled my arm away “what do you care?” “People will make fun of you when you are together with the witch! Just pick out someone else.. Someone like Anouk!” I got angry, why couldn’t I be together with her. And why do they all call her a witch? I started to loose my temper because of Dean and when he started about Anouk I Faced Dean! Which was still talking about Selphie and how evil and strange she was and that I shouldn’t date her, but that I should date Anouk. And with my fist I hit him on his cheek and made him fall down on the floor and I started to shout back at him “I can’t date Anouk, because she is gay! And there is nothing wrong with Selphie. And what do you care who I date! I’m not the one that got robbed by a girl! Or got dumped! So give your good advise to someone else”


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 03-10-04 17:07

en hier is het tweede gedeelte

Selphie’s POV:

I woke up the next morning with an empty feeling in my stomach. I stood up and walked to my mirror and I looked at myself. My whole face was pale and I seem to have forgotten to clean my face before sleeping so the make up of yesterday was still on. “I look like a corp..” I cleaned my face and dressed myself. I choose for a black gothic skirt and a black top. And as shoes my black boots. I stuck my hair up and walked down the stairs to get my breakfast. I saw Hannah standing in the kitchen looking for something, she looked up and saw me standing in the kitchen. “Want to talk?” I shook my head and just grabbed an apple from the bole that stood on the table. I sat down and stared to the bole, my first class was sociology again. What would they all say? Probably nothing. They avoided me. Except for Dash. I felt so empty again but I also felt a need for a good conversation, which was pretty rare by me. I looked at Hannah which has continued her search “Hannah?..” she looked up “yes? What is it?” How am I supposed to tell this to her? “How do you know that you are in love?” she looked a bit surprised when she heard this but a few seconds later she controlled herself again. “Are you in love?” That is what I want to know! “Don’t know.. There is a boy that keeps haunting me! But to be honest.. I don’t really mind. In fact I like it!” she smiled. “That sounds like love to me dear. Mostly you feel weird, uncontrolled and you do things that you don’t want to do. But the best thing to do is to follow your heart” I smiled and continued staring at the table. “Hey, want me to bring you to school? I’ve got a day off!” “Yes, that would be nice” “but first I want to find that spoon! You know, to stir into that giant pan.” “Hannah? It’s over there!” I pointed at a wall where all the spoons hung and it was a bit weird that she didn’t saw it because it the spoon was coloured red and everything else was white. Hannah looked back and saw the spoon. She looked a bit confused but also a bit dumb “Right, how couldn’t I have seen that..” I smiled because Hannah looked really weird now.

I arrived at school a bit later than I usually do, and walked slowly to class. What would I say to Dash? I mean.. I like him to be around; perhaps I should talk to him? I mean.. I have only spoken with two words against him.. Not really friendly if I may say.
When I walked through the hall I noticed that everyone looked at me and when they stood in my path they all stepped aside. I heard some whispering behind me saying something about a witch. Ha! A witch, so that’s it. Yeah you better all watch out for me!
I entered the class and noticed that Dash was looking for me, I just looked at the table still wondering and hoping that nobody would talk to me and that they left me alone. The teacher started to talk about some kind of a project and that we would have to make it with someone else from the class. Maybe I should apologise to Dash, I have been angry on him for something that I’ve carried with me for so long. Yes that’s what I am going to do. I’ll apologise myself. The teacher finished her talk and everybody stood up and made partners. I wonder who will work with me? Or maybe I’ll have to do it alone? When everybody left including the teacher only Dash and me were together in a room. He stood up and sat next to me. “Hey, I guess we have to work together, I mean.. You have got no one and so do I..” I looked up and saw his eyes they were so pretty. I felt that weird feeling coming up again so I looked at the table again. “I want to apologise for yesterday.. I didn’t know. If I did.. Then..” apologise? But I wanted to.. Funny! “Then what?” let’s see how he responds on this! “Well.. Uhm..” I really couldn’t keep it inside and started to laugh. This was funny, we both wanted to apologise to each other, and for what? Nothing really. I saw that Dash looked at me, satisfied. He didn’t treat me different. I knew for sure, I want to be friends with him and perhaps more. Then suddenly Dash’s face changed, he didn’t really understood why I was laughing “What’s that funny?” he looked so cute when he didn’t know what to do, so I decided to tease him a bit and just kept laughing “Nothing, just the fact that you apologise for nothing.” “Well, maybe I did, but I felt a bit guilty when I saw you running away” I stopped laughing and just looked at Dash, then I remembered what we were supposed to do so I decided to bring the subject up “So, do you have any ideas for a subject?” He smiled, so sweet “I have an idea, but I don’t know if you like it.” What was his idea? “Well come on, tell me!” Dash bent over and whispered something in my ear, saying that I should keep this a secret because if it worked out, it would be the best project ever! And after hearing is idea I agreed. To work it out.

We both walked to the bus stop. And were talking a bit about our little project. He was so sweet and somehow I felt great with him. He made me feel alive again, maybe Hannah was right and was it just a manner of time that will give my life a turn and that everything will be alright again. I stepped in the bus and quickly turned around “Hey Dash… thank you” Dash looked a bit confused when I said this but the bus already drove away. I saw that he looked at me but I bet that he couldn’t see me smiling back at him.


Berichten: 1336
Geregistreerd: 24-08-03
Woonplaats: België

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 03-10-04 17:20

Wow, ik heb het helemaal doorgelezen en ik vind het erg goed! OK dan! OK, er staan af en toe wat fouten in, maar het verhaal is erg leuk. 'k Wil het echt wel helemaal lezen!! Lachen

1 klein ding alleen; mss moet je niet iedere keer dezelfde situatie door dash en selphie laten vertellen, zo helemaal navertellen [zoals bv. dat dash te laat komt/ de discussie] maar gewoon verdergaan op het punt waar dash/selphie geëindigd is. Dat zou nog meer vaart in het verhaal brengen. Lachen


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 07-10-04 21:25

hier is het eerste gedeelte van hoofdstuk 8, ik zal proberen om niet alles te herhalen Knipoog alleen dat kan niet altijd omdat het verhaal gewoon van 2 kanten wordt verteld.

in iedergeval ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden

Chapter 8: Enemies

Dash’s POV

When I got home I threw my back in the corner and just slammed everything away that lay in my way. How could he say that to me! God I hated Dean! Though he was my best friend he could be a real jerk sometimes. I walked to the kitchen and looked for something eatable. “Now let’s see, where did she hide that thing?” my mother always hided the pizza’s because she knew that I would eat them if I had one of my familiar eating moods, though hiding them for me didn’t really help because it wasn’t that hard to find them. “Ah, there it is!” behind some frozen vegetables and all other kind of food I found the ‘hidden’ pizza.
I shove the pizza in the oven and sat down on the cough, turned on the television and I was waiting for the pizza till it was ready to eaten.

While I was watching television I thought back at what a happened that day. I succeeded making friends with Selphie but I lost a friend because of that. “What should I do?” I didn’t want to break my friendship with Dean but I didn’t like it when he was so naïve, and I would never break my new made friendship with Selphie. Then a loud beeping sound slapped me out of my thoughts and I ran to the oven to get my pizza.

The next day I walked to school, the whole night I had to think about what to do but I just couldn’t find out. I came to late again but the teacher didn’t even notice that so it was okay. In the break I walked through the many tables and tried to find some of my friends. I saw that Dean sat at a table next to a window with some other friends; I also saw that there was a bruise on his cheek. “I guess I hit him a little bit to hard” should I apologise to him? I walked through the little path between the tables and when I arrived at his table I saw that he turned his head away. Some others looked at me waiting for me to speak, others followed Dean’s example. I guess they have heard what has happened between us “hey, Dean.. About yesterday..” Dean didn’t let me finish my sentence; he got all red and looked at me. In his eyes I saw anger though I knew that it wasn’t just the fact that I hit him. “Now I’m good enough for you? Why don’t you start hitting your other friends as well, you seem to like it. But just leave me alone! I thought I was your friend.. But now I know the truth” I couldn’t believe what he was saying! I wanted to apologise but after hearing this, my anger just grew. Some people started to laugh others said they agreed with Dean and they told me that I hadn’t had the right to be their friend. “Fine, perhaps I’ll listen to your advice! At least I’m not that childish to decide something when you doesn’t even know other ones story!” in my anger I accidentally made a glass fall down which resulted in Sam getting all wet. I heard them all swearing and blaming me for it. But I didn’t really care.

I looked around and I saw Selphie sitting at a table, alone as always. “I hope that she isn’t like them” I walked to her and joined her at the table without asking. She looked up and smiled. “Hey..” “I hope that you don’t mind that I’m sitting here, but my friends..” “I know.. Dean couldn’t keep his mouth shut.” “So you know the story, I didn’t mean to hit him but..” Selphie made a gesture that she didn’t want to hear the story. “I don’t want to be in the middle of your problems, so if you want to talk about it then you should better leave this table” what does she mean by that? “I’m sorry, by the way do you have any plans next weekend? They say that it was going to be hot so perhaps you fancy joining me to the beach?” I saw the smile on her face disappearing when I asked her to join me. She stood up “I’m sorry, I can’t” and she just walked away from me.

I was a bit confused. Why did she walk away? Have I done something wrong? I guess this just isn’t my week. Everything goes wrong. I looked at the table where Dean and my former friends were sitting. They saw that I looked at them and some of Dean’s friend stuck up their finger. I sighted and looked away for a minute but I just had the feeling that this was just the beginning of something far worse.
When I looked away, some friend of Dean, which I never really liked, walked to my table and pretended that they passed by. But when they did, one of them just threw his plate with his food and drinks over me. And he pretended that it was an accident. “Hey, what are you doing?” “O, sorry, I didn’t paid attention and accidentally let this plate fall” his friend started to laugh. Me pretty much sucked from the drinks got really angry and stood up and faced myself against him. “I would be careful the next time, or you might get a nice bruise like Dean” they both laughed, “ooohh, I’m so scared, you better watch out Dash. You think that you are something but you aren’t. We don’t hang out with that witch.” When they talked evil about Selphie my anger rose even more and I just couldn’t control myself. They just laughed at me before my nose and if I walked away people would consider my weak. No I had to solve this now, with violence… or with the most perfect answer. “Hey listen up. You like to be a friend of Dean and love to do what he does, so why don’t you wet yourself like he did last year when I threatened him that I punch him if real hard if he assaulted my mother again!” Ha, that boy just didn’t know what to say. And from the look of Dean’s face he didn’t like to hear his little secret in school. And I said it out loud so almost everyone could hear it. But this was just the beginning of the war.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 08-10-04 18:22

en het tweede deel van hoofdstuk 8, graag hoor ik wat jullie er nou van vinden..

Selphie’s POV:

Somehow it felt great that I actually had to work together with Dash. I sat in the living room with the photograph of my mother in my hand; Hannah was working and would be home late. Would he like it as well? Working with me? He wasn’t like all the others who were avoiding me or called me a witch just because I wear Dark, moody clothes which are mostly gothic dresses. Then suddenly I came to the conclusion “I like him!” “Who do you like?” when I turned around to look for the sudden voice I saw Hannah standing at the front door. I must have looked a bit weird because Hannah started to laugh “sorry, but you talked out loud. I didn’t want to scare you.” I quickly stood up and held the photograph behind my back. “So who do you like?” “I thought that you would come home late..” I tried to change the subject; I didn’t want Hannah to know it. Not yet at least. “Fine, I’ll hear it later. And I just wanted to eat at home because I got a few hours off and I could better use that time for something useful.” I smiled and walked away while Hannah walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I walked to my desk and lay down the photograph then I looked at my trashcan where my drawing still stuck out. I resisted the feeling to get the drawing out of the trashcan. I walked to my radio and turned it on. While lying on my bed I listened to the songs.

The next day in class I couldn’t resist staring at Dash, luckily for me Dash didn’t notice. Though there was something wrong with him. When he entered the room I saw sadness in his eyes, something bothered him. He sat next to me in class but he didn’t spoke to me like he always did. What could be wrong with him? Why is he that quiet? While listening to the teacher and making my exercise I couldn’t stop thinking about that. I needed him he made me smile!

At the break Dash walked to his locker and I found myself a nice table to eat my lunch. On a short distance I saw Dean and some friends of him. I noticed that he was talking about Dash “and you know what he did then? He hit me, right here! I didn’t do anything I just gave him some advice and this is how he thanked me! If I was you I wouldn’t be friends with him, I mean he has threatened me before, so why won’t he do it again” “what a jerk, since he got into that girl..” “Perhaps she put a spell on him and now she controls him or something like that” “yeah, that’s probably it, he’s getting controlled by the witch!”
A little while later it got to crowdie that I couldn’t hear what they were saying. This was my entire fault.. If Dash wouldn’t hang out with me then he would still be friends with them but now they blamed me for it. What have I done!
Dash sat down on my table, he looked sad and a bit angry at the same time. He started to talk about it but I didn’t want to hear that. I brought him those problems. I should keep my distance or it might get worse. He asked me to go to the beach with him. No way I can do that now! So I stood up and pretended that I was angry with him. I’m sorry but I have to do this, you might not understand this now. But I think that you’ll thank me later.

That afternoon I walked trough the streets on my way home, I had mist the bus and I didn’t want to wait for the other one. I saw many small children looking at me when I passed by, and one child even ran away screaming that a ghost haunted him. Am I that bad? That different? I knew that I scared people by my darkness and depressive moods. When I walked trough an empty ally that was a shortcut to my home I suddenly heard some footsteps behind me, those footsteps slapped me out of my thoughts.
I turned around and I saw some friends of Dean, but Dean himself wasn’t there. I wanted to continue my way but then some others blocked the road from the other side and they all slowly closed me in. “would you mind getting out of my way” some started to laugh “what’s wrong WITCH! Are you frightened?” this is going to be bad… don’t react on there words, and just keep the head cool. “You’ve got to do a little bit more to get me frightened” I said this convincing and saw some of them looking a bit confused by it. But they didn’t back off. One who is called Bob took the lead and stood right in front of me. “We came to warn you. You better leave Dash alone with your tricks, spells or whatever witches use.” So I was right.. They blamed me “I do as I please, and for the information I do not use ‘spells’. Not on people at least” Bob smiled and suddenly his arms fouled around my neck and pressed me to the wall of the alley. A small knife appeared out of his pocket and got pressed against my neck. I tried to struggle out of his grip but his grip just got stronger and I was afraid to cut myself at the knife. Bob’s face came really close to mine and with a hissing voice he spoke to me. “Listen witchy! We only like your kind when they are being burned, so don’t get smart with me. Perhaps you would be better off if you disappeared from this world” Other laughed but some others looked frightened. “Hey bob, leave her alone, this is not worth it. Scaring okay but I don’t like threatening!” Bob looked angrily and turned his head off without losing his grip on me. “If you don’t like it then go sit next to Dash! Because that’s were you belong then!” I took the change to get out of his grip because he didn’t paid attention. With my nails I scratched him on his face and made him back off. Bob was totally surprised by my action and fell on the ground with his head at the place where I scratched him. “Get that BITCH!” I ran away through the line of people who were still shocked about what just happened. When I looked back I saw that Bob had a few red bloody lines on his face and that two loyal followers of Bob ran after me.
On my high heels I ran as fast as I could, with my arms I held my dress up so that I could ran faster. I felt my heart beating as fast as it could because I was scared. I wasn’t scared because they might hit me when they would catch up, I was scared because this has happened before and that it now would happen again. Luckily I had a perfect condition and I was pretty skilled at running on high heels, after a little while my followers gave up chasing me. “I lost them!” I slowed down a bit but didn’t stop running I had to get home. That was my only place to go.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 11-10-04 14:35

het eerste deel van hoofdstuk 9

Chapter 9: Distance

Dash’s POV:

My days on school were like hell; a week has past now since that day that Dean pronounced our little war. The ones who were first my friends now have turned against me. I don’t know what Dean had told them about what happened but they all followed him if he was some kind of a god. In class they tell stupid jokes about me, bad things that have happened with me a long time ago and than laughed about it. In the breaks they threw their garbage at my table or at my head. Very funny! Off course there were some of my friends that still talked with me but they still preferred to hang out with Dean.
Even Selphie seemed to hate me. I don’t know what I did but there was a huge gap between us, like she was afraid to hang out with me. While working at our little project she kept quiet the whole time and only said something that had to do with the subject. And I haven’t seen her smiling for a while.

At the break I wanted to sit at her table but she stood up and walked away. I stood up again and followed her. “Hey Selphie! What’s wrong?” “Nothing!” “Nothing? You don’t speak to me; you don’t even look at me. If it’s something that I’ve done please tell me!” She looked at me and I saw pain and sadness in her eyes, then she continued walking away from me. I stood in the middle of the room still a bit paralysed about her actions. What’s happening her? Why is everybody against me? In the corner at a table I saw Dean and his friends smiling. “What’s wrong Dash? Did your ‘witch’ walked away?” his friends laughed and I heard that Bob just pretended to laugh. When I saw his face I felt a bit cold from the inside. Little scars ran over his face and it looked like a cat got stuck on his head and scratched him almost everywhere.

At biology we had to work in groups and I ended up with Dean, Bob and Selphie. Selphie didn’t look at us, but just started with the experiment. Dean looked angrily at us but then just concentrated himself on bugging Selphie. “This must be your favourite subject, isn’t it? You’ll have to work with the ‘holy’ plants. And you can put a spell upon us.” Dean just made fun of Selphie and constantly called her a witch. Bob just laughed but kept a distance from Selphie. Selphie looked annoyed but didn’t react on his jokes but it made me so mad.
I couldn’t stand it if Dean teased someone like that. I always have hated it when I was still a friend of him. “Why don’t you help with the experiment instead of making fun of us?” “You wish!” Dean just pretended to be cool and started to cause trouble. While Selphie and I were doing the experiment he and Bob constantly tried to ruin it by throwing some things in the water or something else. When Bob grabbed the little tube of our experiment and threw it in the trashcan I couldn’t resist yelling at them. “What are you doing? That was our experiment!” “So! It wasn’t good anyway, because the witch made it” “Stop calling her a witch! She is just a person okay!” Dean jumped in and started to make his opinions clear about Selphie and me and the weirdest thing was that he once told me that those were my best qualities and that the reason was that he became friends with me.
Bob pushed me away so I pushed back and eventually ended up in a fight. Dean couldn’t resist and joined as well so it was two against one. “See this scars on this face! When I told your girlfriend to leave this country she almost scratched my eyes out” Bob got red by anger because a girl beat him. I looked at Selphie who just looked a bit shocked back, I saw that she doubted about something but I couldn’t stay to long in my thoughts because Dean already punched me in my stomach. When I fell on the floor because Bob and Dean overwhelmed me with their punches. When I blocked one an other already hit me. I suddenly heard Selphie shouting, “Stop that Right now! Leave him alone” Dean stopped hitting and looked at her, even Bob stopped for a while curious about what she had to say. “Or what?” “You guys are nuts. Look at you two. Once you were each other’s best friends, you never left each other’s side and even some people thought that you were brothers. And now you are hitting each other because Dash takes it up for a girl with troubles. Because that’s what I am! You all call me a witch, call me what you please.” I tried to sit up which hurt like hell and looked at Selphie, who stood there with tears in her eyes, clearly hurt by our little fight. “But you all judge me wrong and only Dash has seen that side because the others just avoiding me. I’ve had a horrible past, My father hit me and my mother when I was young, I even saw that when he hit my mother my mother died because she tried to escape from him! My father tried to rape me but I could escape. He has hunted me for a while till they finally released me from him. I live alone now with all those things in my mind! I wear black, gothic clothes to protect myself. If I cloth myself like all the others, I feel helpless and maybe you don’t realise it but without me clothes and doing I feel.. Naked. I’m busy to find myself back that’s why I’m for most people so weird. But it just needs time. You might not realise it and threaten me to get out of this country… Fine.. I don’t want that two best friends have to fight just for me; it’s not worth it. … I’ll… I’ll do what I should have done many years ago…”she wanted to finish her sentence but couldn’t get out of her words because she had to cry. She shook her head at us and than ran away. The Teacher who just entered the room looked at the shocked faces of Bob and Dean and at me who was sitting on the floor with a bloody nose and many bruises and little wounds. “What have happened here?


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 16-10-04 18:13

en hier is het tweede deel van hoofdstuk 9

Selphie’s POV:

At home Hannah questioned me “come on tell me! I know that you only cry when you have a good reason. Perhaps I can help you!” “No, no one can! This is my problem” Hannah looked sad because she wanted to help me. But she wasn’t the one who got threatened because she looked different. When I had enough of Hannah I just walked to my room and locked it so that she couldn’t come in and continued with her questions.
Tears showed up again and I could barely keep them in. why? Dash and Dean had been fighting because of me, is it my entire fault? I sat down at my desk and started with making a note to Hannah where I all explained what has happened the last few weeks. “I’m so sorry Dash but I don’t want to break things, and friendship is one of the most important things.” The whole night I thought about what I should do about this and if those guys were right. When I was about to fall asleep I made up my mind. “I’m not leaving this place, not yet but I don’t want to see Dash getting separated from his friends because of me, if it’s really necessarily… I’ll get out of your life.

The next week I tried to avoid them all as much as possible and I felt really guilty when I saw Dash confused and sad looking at me. I must be strong! Later that week me Dean, Bob, Dash and me had to do an experiment so I just started to do things not really paying attention at the others who were clearly still mad at each other. Dean teased me and just called me witch and more offending things. But I kept quiet and tried to concentrate on my work. Why do they always have to get on me? Then Dash told Dean to shut up. It felt great to have a friend but he shouldn’t have done that. A few moments later they were all fighting. Dean and Bob against Dash. I couldn’t bare to see it, because I liked Dash.. Maybe a bit more that liking.. I saw that they overwhelmed Dash and just let my anger burst out. I couldn’t bare to watch two good friends fighting each other and that all thanks to me.
I told them the whole story, Dash already knew parts of it but Dean and bob looked shocked when they heard it. Tears came up again but I kept talking. This had to stop… right now!
When I couldn’t think of something else to tell them I just ran off, the teacher who just came in tried to stop me but I pushed him away. I heard him shouting “what has happened here” but didn’t stop to hear what happened next. I just had to be alone. I took distance from my friends because I wanted to help them but all I did was making it worse.
I ran with tears in my eyes through the still empty streets and ran to my favourite spot. The local park. A few years back I found this place where nobody would disturb you because you had to go through some bushes fist. Once you were through the bushes you would end up at an open spot with a boulder in the middle and I always climbed on that boulder and just watched the view because you could almost see the whole town plus a really beautiful sunset.
Just as back them I threw my back on the ground and climbed the boulder, it did took a while because climbing with a long dress was a nit hard but I was skilled in climbing this boulder. A few minutes later I sat on the boulder and looked and the view. I thought back at what happened today and started crying. “Why is everyone picking on me, why am I in the middle of all the trouble. I wanted to be alone and for many years I succeeded but why couldn’t I do the same with this.” Like it could get any worse it started to rain but I didn’t move. I just waited for something. I waited till I knew what to do, I didn’t wanted to go back and see them fighting. I promised not to kill myself but right now that promise started to fade away.
When I was young I always hid a knife in one of my boots to protect myself from my father. It has saved me once before. Since then it has become quite normal to have it with me. I grabbed the knife a played a bit with it. I made small cuts in my arm and made it bleed but those weren’t that bad. “Dammit Hannah!” Should I break my promise? My mother told me that promises were the most important thing in life, when you didn’t keep them, your promises would hunt you forever till death would release you from it.

It started to run really hard now but I still didn’t move from my spot, I was really soaked. My brown hair hung next to my face and my tears disappeared in the rain. It started to get colder and darker because the sun was getting under. Right on the moment where I had made up my mind I heard a noise behind me. I looked where it came from and saw Dash coming my way. He was shocked when he saw me like this and too be honest I was a bit surprised to see him here. With my knife still in my hand I looked at him. What would he say? Dash raised his hands “hey, put that knife down… please.. I want to talk with you..” I turned back again and closed my eyes and concentrated at the water drops that were falling on my face. “Why.. What is the need for that… all I cause is pain..” “That’s not true!” Dash was now busy to climb up that builder. It looked quite funny because he kept slipping away. When he finally got to the top he sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. With one hand he held up my face so that I had to look at him. “Listen, I fell in love the first time I saw you. You were different I knew and so did Dean. I managed to find the reason but Dean was still unknown. He got a bit angry with that. When you told that story in the class he realised that he was being a jerk and apologised a hundred times. It’s not your fault… and I don’t want to loose you..” his arms felt warm and soft and it made me feel safe. With my whole heart I listened to his words but I couldn’t hear them. My eyes were focused on his blue eyes that shined bright. His blond hair stuck to his face because the rain soaked him as well. He looked so… perfect. I closed my eyes when I heard him talking and thought. His hand stroke through my hair and his eyes shined brighter. He stopped talking and moved his head closer and just kissed me. I was a bit paralysed when it happened but I quickly returned the kiss. “I couldn’t leave him, not now!” I smiled when we finished our kiss. I never have done that before and it just felt great. I lay down the knife, wrapped my arms around him and pressed my head on his chest. Dash just held me closely to him and we both didn’t say a word.


Berichten: 1336
Geregistreerd: 24-08-03
Woonplaats: België

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 16-10-04 21:09

OOO >> romantisch Knipoog.

Ja, ik volg het verhaal nog steeds en vind het nog steeds heel goed ... Komt er nog?


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 17-10-04 11:14

ja er komt nog meer hoor, ben nog druk bezig met schrijven.


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 17-10-04 20:04

graag wil ik weer weten wat jullie ervan vinden, ikzelf vind het een beetje een saai stukje maatjah. hier is het eerste gedeelte van hoofdstuk 10

Chapter 10: New Friends

Dash’s POV:

“Dash! You are completely soaked! What have you done?” I looked at my clothes which were stuck to my body, I didn’t even notice when I walked back home, I knew that it was raining but I never thought by myself that I would get wet from it. I smiled at my mother “I forgot that it was raining” my mother looked at me and I could almost see those question marks above her head. “And those bruises! You got that by the rain as well?” It made me laugh even harder. “You won’t understand mom. But now I’ll get a shower to warm myself up” I ran upstairs and almost started to sing a song just because I was so happy. Selphie and me were now officially together.

The next day on school I saw that Dean was waiting for someone when he saw me walking through the hall he smiled and walked to me. “Hey.. I know that I’ve been quite rude lately.. And I wanted to apologise for it. Yesterday that w… eh I mean Selphie made clear that our fight was quite stupid. But it was more the fact that I was a bit jealous on you. Either way I wanted to apologise to you and I hope that we’ll be friends again just like old times.” Me still a bit angry with him because he hit me got interested in what he said, Dean never apologised because he always was a bit selfish and now I heard those words coming from him. “Jealous? For what?” Dean sighted and I could see that he got troubles trying to find the right words. “Well you know, you always get everyone you want and now you got Selphie, I was angry that it never worked out for me. And I kind of forgot that I was your friend and started to fight with you” I smiled at him because Dean got all red in his face “Hey, don’t worry about it, it’s happened and just say that I’m in a good mood now” “so she’s your girly now?” “Think so..” Dean now laughed, “how do you mean think so?” “Well she is quite vague about some things” I laughed and wrapped my arm around Dean’s neck. “You know.. I missed you as my friend” we both laughed and walked to our classroom and it looked like we never have fought before if you didn’t look at my bruises off course.

When I entered the classroom I saw that Selphie was already sitting at a table near a window. I smiled and walked to the seat next to her, Dean at the other hand followed us and sat at the table in front of us. He turned around and looked at Selphie “I want to apologise for my behaviour.. I didn’t know.. What happened..” Selphie took it quite well; she just smiled and waved his apologies away. “It’s okay” then the class began and we all had to pay attention because misses Woodfire didn’t like it when she had to wait a lot. Misses Woodfire who hates me a lot must have seen that I wasn’t listening to her because she kept asking me question about what she just told to the class. “I told you that I don’t know the answer” “and what are you going to do about that” I got really fed up with her and mostly when that happened it ended up in something rude. “I’m going to ask them because they know almost all the answers,” I pointed at the other corner where the nerds from the class were sitting. The whole class laughed about it and I saw that Selphie had troubles to get her laugh in as well. Misses Woodfire got all red as usual “I don’t like it when people are pointing at others, that’s rude so I want you to go and see the headmaster right now! I couldn’t help myself answering rude on what she said because she just asked for it. Let’s see how she is getting out of this one! “Well you are pointing at me as well the whole time and I thinks that’s rude as well so you should see the headmaster as well” misses Woodfire couldn’t find her words and as the whole class was laughing about the little conversation she suddenly turned white of anger, grabbed her back and left the classroom. I was a bit stunned because she actually left the room. Everybody cheered for me and we all grabbed our bags and went to get a table for the break. “Hey, Dash good work!” “Yeah, keep it up man!” everybody said that I was the man, and they all were happy, but I didn’t really felt that happy myself because this meant that the headmaster would soon get me for this. I felt a soft hand gliding in the mine and saw that Selphie grabbed my hand. I looked at her and looked in her eyes. She was so beautiful. “What are you thinking?” “What?” Selphie smiled at me because I kept staring at her “you are thinking, so I ask you, what are you thinking?” I laughed, “I was thinking about you” “really?” “So what about me?” we sat down at a table and even dean sat down as well. “You don’t mind if I joined you huh? Like old times” we both shook our heads. And it was Selphie who answered, “Off course not, friends shouldn’t be separated” we all laughed because Selphie kind of said this a bit too weird. At first she looked a bit surprised but soon noticed what she just said. Dean who stopped laughing as first stuck out his hand to Selphie “you know, you are not bad at all! I think that I’m able to live with you as a friend off course!” Selphie grabbed his hand and shook it “I think I’ve got enough potions to keep you under control as well, so yes Friends we will be!” Dean smiled but you could see that he didn’t know how to answer on that


Berichten: 2515
Geregistreerd: 15-06-02
Woonplaats: ergens in nh

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 17-10-04 21:54

erg leuk verhaal! , wacht op meer Tong uitsteken


Berichten: 426
Geregistreerd: 30-06-02
Woonplaats: lelystad

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst door de TopicStarter : 19-10-04 17:59

hier is het tweede deel van hoofdstuk 10

Selphie’s POV:

“What have you eaten last night?” since I told Hannah that I was in love and that I had lots of friends now she couldn’t stop smiling, singing and cleaning the house. Even the whole hospital now new about my boyfriend. Right now Hannah was busy with baking a cake but Hannah wasn’t great cook. “I’m trying to find the sugar” Hannah opened a cupboard but almost everything what once was inside now all fell out. I couldn’t help myself and just started laughing. Hannah raised her hands to the sky and shook her head “it’s just not working out today!” Hannah looked a bit further in the cupboard and behind some other jars she found the sugar jar, then she started to put everything back in the cupboard. Well putting.. Let’s call it throwing. When she wanted to close the cupboard it wouldn’t close so I started to laugh again. With a lot of violence Hannah finally made the cupboard close. She quickly stood up and blew the hair out of her face and looked at me. I kind of looked a bit weird at her, because normally Hannah was very keen of having everything clean. “What? I’ll do it right later.. But first my cake!” I started laughing again and ran after Hannah because the cake was almost done and just couldn’t help myself to taste Hannah’s creation and spit it out because it tasted like salt. I guess Hannah mixed up the salt and sugar jar again.

While Hannah was cleaning everything up the doorbell rang and I quickly ran to the door and opened it. “Hey” I was smiling because Dash just arrived, we both planned to go to Dean’s birthday party and that Dash would pick me up though it was actually a big detour to go to my home first. But he didn’t matter. “Hey.. Are you baking a cake? It sure smells like it.” I started laughing and pulled Dash inside. “Hannah tried to but she putted salt in it instead of sugar so it kind of failed.” Dash laughed and I stared at him, he looked so good. “I still have to get my stuff” Dash nodded and followed me to my room. When he entered he came in a dark room with almost no lighting. “Wow, sure is dark in here” “I know, but it suits by my reputation as a witch” we both laughed about that. I went looking for a bag to put my stuff it because after Dean’s party I would sleep at Dash’s place. In the mean time Dash looked at my room and walked to my desk where he found the photograph of my mother. “Is this your mother?” I looked at him and he held up the picture “yes she is!” “You know, you look awfully a lot on your mother.” I smiled “I guess I should get that as a compliment” Dash now smiled as well, he walked to me, fouled his arms around me and pressed me to his body. Then he kissed me gently “it was a compliment!” we both smiled an stood there for quite a while until I pushed myself away from him and grabbed my back “we should go now, or else we’ll never make it to Dean’s Place” Dash nodded and followed me down where I sad goodbye to Hannah. “Have fun!”

We took the bus to Dean’s place because walking would take too long. Everybody in the bus stared at me like they have never saw me like that but then again it must be weird to see a gothic girl with just a normal and cheerful boy. “Who will come to Dean’s party?” we sat down on the backseats and Dash kissed me again, which made me smile. “Don’t know who will come probably everyone that he have seen and perhaps Anouk.” “Anouk?” Dash sighted “it’s actually quite a long story, but Anouk is a goof friend of ours, pretty and we both were falling for her a long time ago until she clearly said no.. To Dean later it was a bet between Dean and me if I got her yes or no! But later it turned out that she was gay, but we still remained friends. Her parents moved away so she had to go as well, but we still have a lot of contact with her.” I smiled and kissed Dash, which made some people look at us, which made me laugh about it. “I guess that I should be careful then not to make a sexy move in her presence!” Dash laughed, “That’s rude!” “I know, don’t worry I know I’ve got you!”

“Hey Dean! Are you going to open the door” I closed my eyes because Dash stood next to me when he shouted up to Dean’s room. The music stood to loud so he didn’t hear the doorbell. A head appeared out of the window, it was the head of a girl with long blonde hair. “Hey Dash, you’ve come! It already got boring in here!” while she said that Dean’s voice shouted above the music “that’s not true!” A few minutes later the door opened for us and we both stepped inside. We walked up the stairs because that’s where the party would be held. I followed Dash and didn’t let his hands go until we arrived by the others in that room and shook our hands to introduce ourselves to each other.
Later that evening I chatted a lot with Anouk, I really like her. She was different than most of the other girls I know, at least she knew what it was to be different then others. We got along pretty fine and we even shared our phone numbers. And too be honest I didn’t want to leave the party because I had a good time talking and doing things with my new made friend.