verklaring van je naam

Moderators: NadjaNadja, Essie73, Muiz, Maureen95, Firelight

Toevoegen aan eigen berichten

Berichten: 9130
Geregistreerd: 20-04-03
Woonplaats: adoptie-Ian woont bij !

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 14-07-03 09:55

Tinkernikky, je hebt toch niet expres op het knopje 'female' gedrukt, he? Tong uitsteken

En Sjuimpje, je kunt je (bij)naam (gratis!) laten uitzoeken, hoor.
Daar krijg je dan een berichtje van.
De uitleg van bijnamen kan een hoop verduidelijken als aanvulling op je roepnaam en/of doopnamen.

Het opmerkelijkste dat ik heb gevonden was,
dat ik bij de naam van een vriendin een verhaaltje kreeg,
bij de bijnaam die haar liefde haar geeft een ander verhaaltje
en bij de totaal verschillende bijnaam die ik haar geef HETZELFDE verhaaltje als bij die andere bijnaam.
Mij zegt dat dat ze kennelijk op een bepaalde manier overkomt en dat het niet uitmaakt welke naam er dan bij anderen opkomt; het resultaat is eensluidend.


Berichten: 9130
Geregistreerd: 20-04-03
Woonplaats: adoptie-Ian woont bij !

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 14-07-03 10:05

(Ik moest toch een andere (zelfde) naamdrager opzoeken, dusse, voor de geïnteresseerde:)

Your first name of Bart has given you a quick, analytical mind. You are creative, versatile, and imaginative. However, independence, positivity and the urge for action and progress are such strong forces in your nature that you find it difficult to control them. You feel happy as long as headway is being made, but as soon as you are obstructed or your individuality and freedom of action are restricted, you experience an intense nervous reaction. Moods of depression can result during which you become caustic and belligerent in your attitude toward everyone, especially to those in closest association with you. Routine, monotony, and the responsibility of looking after details can have a similar effect on you, as you are a person who desires change, travel, and new experiences. In order to gain greater congeniality in your personal associations, you need to cultivate a more relaxed manner, greater generosity, understanding, and tolerance, and, above all, you need to avoid being too outspoken and self-opinionated.
The influence of this name can be very destructive to your health and personal happiness, even though it may take you far in business. You frequently experience nervous tension in the solar plexus. A sensitive stomach and ulcers could result. Also, ailments could centre in the head affecting the eyes, ears, nose, throat, or teeth.

Het tweede schaap over de dam.
Wie volgt? Knipoog

Berichten: 1525
Geregistreerd: 07-03-03
Woonplaats: Overijssel

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 14-07-03 13:33

Aah Dandy,

bij mij klopt ie ook precies!! Zullen alle Claudia's hetzelfde zijn????


Berichten: 6469
Geregistreerd: 25-03-02
Woonplaats: Zweden

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 14-07-03 19:22

Your name of Jantien has created a practical, responsible, stable nature, and you desire to direct the efforts of others rather than to take order or ask permission. You have a determined, self-reliant, capable nature and resent any interference, although in your desire to help you are inclined to become involved in the lives and decisions of other people. You like to make your own decisions and to be the master of your domain. You feel a limitation in your own expression when it is necessary to reach another through tact and understanding. Although you are honest and fair, a directness in speech is a source of much consternation to you, and you often regret what you say. You also have a tendency to worry. It causes you to be too serious, and interferes with happiness and relaxation that comes with naturalness of expression. Health weaknesses centre in the head appearing as headaches, head colds, and eye, teeth, ear, or sinus problems.

Ik kan eigenlijk niet anders dan het hier best wel mee eens zijn Haha!
Alleen dat hoofdpijnstukje, dat klopt (nog) niet zo.

Berichten: 5668
Geregistreerd: 08-06-03

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 15-07-03 08:25

Your name of Chantal creates an intense desire for association with people and new experiences, many of which have been rather bitter. This name has given you a gregarious personality and a quick-thinking, creative, and versatile nature, but one that is unstable emotionally. You desire change and travel and would enjoy opportunities that allowed you to be creative and to act independently, rather than to conform to system and routine. However, this name does not allow you to complete your undertakings, as farther fields always look greener. Although you may appear confident and positive, you actually lack confidence and feel self-conscious at times. This name spoils patience and depth of thought, and weakens your stand in matters of principle. You are too open to suggestion, and thus you could become involved in detrimental associations which could lead you into by-paths of thrill-seeking or emotional indulgence. Any weakness in your health would appear in the fluid functions as kidney, bladder, or circulatory problems. or in a sensitivity affecting your stomach.

Berichten: 5668
Geregistreerd: 08-06-03

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 15-07-03 08:27

ik weet niet wat ik er van moet denken Haha! ik ben niet creatief in opzicht van tekenen enzow:D, en ik houd ook niet van reizen, maar wel van zelfstandigheid Lachen


Berichten: 9130
Geregistreerd: 20-04-03
Woonplaats: adoptie-Ian woont bij !

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 22-07-03 23:25

Nou, Kattebeest, dit is echt een succesnummer, hoor.
Ik heb links en rechts wat van die verhaaltjes rondgestuurd
en sindsdien zit m'n mailbox geregeld vol met aanvragen voor meer, meer, meer.
Kennelijk herkennen mensen toch al genoeg van zichzelf in die ene naam.
Soms doe ik de bijnaam (als ik die weet) erbij, voor de nuance.
Leuk om anderen zo gemakkelijk blij te kunnen maken.
Bedankt dus!

Berichten: 2066
Geregistreerd: 09-01-01
Woonplaats: Delden

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 23-07-03 12:26

Your first name of Manon has made you happiest when you are expressing in some creative, artistic way, and not conforming to strict routine. In a large group of comparative strangers, you are quiet and rather shy, unable to express yourself, not really wanting to become involved in conversation. On the other hand, among friends with whom you feel at ease, you are expressive, witty, and quite charming. These contrasting natures make it difficult for people to understand you and can lead to friction in your personal life. You are deep, philosophical, and refined, but your extremely sensitive nature causes you to become depressed and self-pitying over any real or imagined slight. If you are not careful, people take advantage of your generous nature. You find the beauties of nature, fine music, art, and literature--all the deeper things of life--inspiring. The reserved, sensitive side of your nature brings aloneness and friction into your life, although you crave affection and understanding. You must guard against emotional excesses, which could result in depletion of energy, creating a desire for quick-energy foods. You could suffer through skin irritations, blood conditions, back trouble, and later, through arthritis. Heart, lung, or bronchial weaknesses could also result.


Berichten: 7463
Geregistreerd: 23-03-03

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 23-07-03 18:27

Your name of Lianne gives you self-assurance, independence, and confidence. You have depth of mind and the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion. Your love of challenging the concepts of others invariably leads you to create your own ideas and to pioneer new lines of thought. Your strong characteristic of individuality qualifies you as a leader. You must be independent and you do not brook interference in any way. Although you do not tolerate interference in your own affairs, this characteristic does not prevent you from interfering in the affairs of others. You are usually either telling or showing someone how to do something properly. Although you are good-natured and never intend offence, still your blunt, direct and candid manner of expression strains friendships; your honesty and sincerity earn respect from others. You have to be your own boss as it is most difficult for you to submit to direction from others. Problems with your health centre in the head and you could suffer with head tension, head colds, headaches, and sinus congestion. There is a strong tendency for you to worry.

oke wie heeft er zin om t te vertellen ik kan dus echt geen engels dus ik snap er niets van!


Berichten: 499
Geregistreerd: 20-07-03
Woonplaats: Delfzijl

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 23-07-03 18:39

Ilse schreef:
The name of Ilse contains within it an intense emotional power that could drive you to put forth great effort to accomplish your ambitions and to do something noteworthy and worthwhile. There are humanitarian ideals in this name, making you feel the urge to champion the cause of the downtrodden, the victims of circumstances and injustices. However, it is difficult for you to materialize your ideals because of a restless, unsettled feeling which causes you never to know just what it is that you should be working toward, and the very intensity of your nature makes systematic concentration and application a challenge. You can have intensely contrasting feelings toward people, either you are fiercely loyal or extremely intolerant. There is rarely a happy medium in your feelings. Consequently, you experience many disappointments in people, tragedy, and the loss of the very things for which you may be intensely striving. Bitter experiences could make you cynical, critical, and argumentative. You find it difficult to see the brighter or humorous side of a situation. This name makes you nervous and highly strung, causing tension affecting your nervous system and solar plexus.

Uhmm.. kan het nog moeilijker? Haha!

Hum, ja he? Als ik heel eerlijk ben, klopt ie bij mij wel... Bloos
Kan ik het ook uitleggen als heerlijk onvoorspelbaar? Schijnheilig


Berichten: 9130
Geregistreerd: 20-04-03
Woonplaats: adoptie-Ian woont bij !

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 27-07-03 21:24

Ja hoor, wat jij wilt, is jouw (naam)feestje.

Vandaag reageerde iemand boos omdat er ook wat minder leuke dingen in haar verhaaltje stonden en nam die mij kwalijk.
Vond ik wel komisch eigenlijk... Lachen


Berichten: 34755
Geregistreerd: 25-02-01
Woonplaats: Daar waar mijn huis woont

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 27-07-03 21:37

Your first name of Christianne has given you a responsible, expressive, inspirational, and friendly personality. Expression comes naturally to you and you are rarely at a loss for words; in fact, you have to put forth effort at times to curb an over-active tongue. Self-confidence has made it easy for you to meet people and you are well-liked for your spontaneous, happy ways. You sincerely like people and do not often experience loneliness; your work and home-life are likely filled with association You enjoy music and could have a fine singing voice; however, the study could be somewhat difficult because you do not find it easy to apply yourself to concentrated study for long periods. In this respect, this name is not altogether constructive; it creates a somewhat scattering influence which makes it difficult for you to finish what you start. This name brings disappointments and emotional involvements through being too sympathetic and easily influenced. As a result of your active nature, you have an appetite for quick-energy foods, which you could consume to excess. Health weakness appear as skin conditions, or as ailments relative to the liver.

En vertel het maar klopt dit bij mij?

Even meteen paard ook geprobeert:
Your name of Laiser gives you self-assurance, independence, and confidence. You have depth of mind and the ability to concentrate and to follow a line of thought to a logical conclusion. Your love of challenging the concepts of others invariably leads you to create your own ideas and to pioneer new lines of thought. Your strong characteristic of individuality qualifies you as a leader. You must be independent and you do not brook interference in any way. Although you do not tolerate interference in your own affairs, this characteristic does not prevent you from interfering in the affairs of others. You are usually either telling or showing someone how to do something properly. Although you are good-natured and never intend offence, still your blunt, direct and candid manner of expression strains friendships; your honesty and sincerity earn respect from others. You have to be your own boss as it is most difficult for you to submit to direction from others. Problems with your health centre in the head and you could suffer with head tension, head colds, headaches, and sinus congestion. There is a strong tendency for you to worry.

en de kat:
Your first name of Mickey has given you a quick, active mind, which has caused you to delve into many different ideas and theories. You have a desire for association with people and, since you have no difficulty in being spontaneous and expressive with others, you have considerable ability for discussion and debate. You enjoy unexpected opportunities for meeting people, or doing things on the spur of the moment. Where you have difficulty is in organizing and systematizing the handling of your responsibilities. Though you can work on any undertaking intently as long as it absorbs your interest, you cannot persevere when confronted by obstacles or by tedious monotony. Thus your success in your undertakings is limited. The tasks or activities you enjoy the most allow some form of creative or artistic expression. You will never tolerate a situation where your independence and individuality are curtailed. Conditions in your personal life can change very quickly to turmoil any time you are challenged, or when there is any friction or misunderstanding, because you can be very caustic and outspoken. There is an element of idealism in this name which makes you generous toward those who are less fortunate than yourself, and also causes you to uphold the rights of others. This name creates an over-sensitive nature that allows your emotions to be unduly aroused. You are apt to be indulgent in eating rich, quick-energy foods, which you crave because your nervous system becomes depleted of vitality. Ailments of the liver and a weak back could result.


Berichten: 4856
Geregistreerd: 09-01-02

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 28-07-03 02:22

Your name of Coco has given you a generous nature. You will do your utmost to help others in need, despite inconvenience or even hardship to yourself. You are affectionate, and respond quickly to appreciation. As a child you were expressive. An imaginative, impressionable person, you could excel in the theatre as a dramatist or comedienne, and the enjoyment and appreciation of your audience would be your greatest inspiration. Fine as your nature is at times the power of your feelings is difficult to control as it unleashes itself through outbursts of temper. The name does not engender emotional stability; nor have you the system and order in your thinking always to finish what you start. Scattering of efforts interferes with success in your undertakings. Sensitivity in your nervous system could cause you to suffer either through goitre, or nervous conditions, or to experience hysteria or mental repression.

Yeah right... Scheve mond
Klopt geen zak van


Berichten: 5008
Geregistreerd: 17-03-02

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 11:31

Your first name of Manon has made you happiest when you are expressing in some creative, artistic way, and not conforming to strict routine. In a large group of comparative strangers, you are quiet and rather shy, unable to express yourself, not really wanting to become involved in conversation. On the other hand, among friends with whom you feel at ease, you are expressive, witty, and quite charming. These contrasting natures make it difficult for people to understand you and can lead to friction in your personal life. You are deep, philosophical, and refined, but your extremely sensitive nature causes you to become depressed and self-pitying over any real or imagined slight. If you are not careful, people take advantage of your generous nature. You find the beauties of nature, fine music, art, and literature--all the deeper things of life--inspiring. The reserved, sensitive side of your nature brings aloneness and friction into your life, although you crave affection and understanding. You must guard against emotional excesses, which could result in depletion of energy, creating a desire for quick-energy foods. You could suffer through skin irritations, blood conditions, back trouble, and later, through arthritis. Heart, lung, or bronchial weaknesses could also result.

klopt een beetje


Berichten: 10877
Geregistreerd: 23-07-01
Woonplaats: Spijkenisse

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 14:42

Hehe, na een uur zoeken Tong uitsteken

The name Priscilla creates a dual nature in that you can be very generous and understanding, but you can also be so candid in your expression that you create misunderstanding. You struggle with the requirement to soften your expression with tact and diplomacy and to consider the feelings of others. Difficulty in accepting advice or admitting that you may have made a mistake causes you to appear to be stubborn and set in your ways. Thus, you have too often created the wrong impression, and friendships have suffered. This name does offer creative talent where there is the opportunity for ingenuity and originality. You have a tendency, at times, to have too many ideas on the go, and thus your efforts are scattered and many things do not reach completion. You are inclined to do to excess the things you like to do. You have very intense feelings and find it difficult to maintain stability and happiness. If you allowed it, temper and self-pity could be problems. Tension could cause nervous disorders, or centre in the head bringing weaknesses in the eyes, ears, sinuses, or teeth.


Berichten: 4304
Geregistreerd: 04-05-02
Woonplaats: Breda

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 15:15

Although your first name of Charlotte has created an expressive, fun-loving nature, it has not produced the qualities necessary for a full and complete life. You have always been a happy person, and, desiring to see others happy as well, you strive to inspire others, which you do most effectively through an engaging sense of humour. You are fond of surprises and are quick to respond to spontaneous invitations which promise a good time, particularly when they relieve you of a boring task. Your dislike for monotony and routine, often means that you do not finish the things you start. A natural rhythm, a sense of colour harmony, and creative ability contribute to a flair for composition and artistic and musical expression. Expression comes easily to you; in fact, you should learn to control it and discipline your expression. You are not practical where money matters are concerned, your theory being that money is there to be spent. You are kind and generous, and will fill a need when you see it; at times, others take advantage of your generosity. The most serious drawback of the influence of this name is in the strong emotional feelings that it produces, which are difficult to control and create lack of stability in your thinking or in your affairs. A craving for sweet foods could cause skin conditions or liver problems. You would find it difficult to control your desires and could over-indulge in your pleasures.


Berichten: 4304
Geregistreerd: 16-09-01

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 15:52

Hm... Er zitten een paar dingen bij die wel kloppen, maar ook een heleboel Bshit Tong uitsteken

groen= klopt min of meer
rood= absolutely not
blauw = neutraal, of ik snap de zin niet Knipoog

The name of Steffi creates a very versatile and creative nature. You are quick-minded and have the freedom of expression to mix easily with people. Because your feelings and desires are so changeable, you are never satisfied with conditions as they are. You have many ideas, plans, and ambitions, but too often they are for an easy way out of a difficulty or an easy way of making money. You seek change in order to have the opportunity for travel, new experiences, and new friends and associates. You find it difficult to systematize your efforts and to fulfil your obligations and plans as you are not inclined to apply yourself consistently to a job to reach your goals. Although you appear positive, you inwardly lack self-confidence and will-power. This name has caused you to feel unsettled emotionally and mentally, being too easily influenced through your emotional nature and by other people. The name makes it difficult for you to view life realistically, to be honest with yourself and with others. Instead, you live in your desires, longing for conditions and people to be as you would like them to be. Health weakness centres in the fluid functions: the kidneys, bladder, or bloodstream. Tension could also cause you to suffer with female problems.

En mijn kleine Nico ook even:
The name of Nico creates a quick, analytical, and clever mind; you are creative, versatile, original, and independent. You have large ambitions, and it is difficult for you to be tolerant and understanding of those who desire less in life or who are more slow and methodical by nature. Patience is not your forte. You do, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position. You are ambitious and aggressive by nature. You would be happiest in positions where you are free to express individually and creatively and where opportunities are not restricted; you desire freedom, and do not tolerate being possessed by others. You appreciate change and travel, and the opportunity to meet and mix with others, and to influence them with your creative ideas. You are very self-confident and feel you can accomplish anything you set out to do, and you can, although, this name does not allow proper completion of undertakings, and forced changes cause financial losses and bitter experiences. This name also creates caustic expression and moods which prevent harmony and happiness in close association. When under strain, tension could affect the stomach and solar plexus. There is a tendency for you to worry.
Laatst bijgewerkt door Nintu op 29-07-03 15:56, in het totaal 1 keer bewerkt


Berichten: 10560
Geregistreerd: 18-10-01
Woonplaats: Amsterdam

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 15:56

Haha, volgens de analyze lijk ik sprekend op mijn paard.. Erm..
Ik hoop dat ik haar niet al te erg kwets door met oude dekjes en kleren te rijden, want daar schijnen we beiden erg veel waarde aan te hechten Knipoog


Berichten: 4304
Geregistreerd: 16-09-01

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 15:57

'You do, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position.'

moet nog in DIK rood Tong uitsteken


Berichten: 19
Geregistreerd: 28-07-03
Woonplaats: Arnhem

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 16:05


Ik zal me meteen maar eens even voorstellen Cheese! !
Ik ben dus natasja, en heb m'n naam ook maar eens even door de scan gehaald, en wat blijkt?!
Het klopt in ijn geval echt precies.

Although your first name of Natasja has created an expressive, fun-loving nature, it has not produced the qualities necessary for a full and complete life. You have always been a happy person, and, desiring to see others happy as well, you strive to inspire others, which you do most effectively through an engaging sense of humour. You are fond of surprises and are quick to respond to spontaneous invitations which promise a good time, particularly when they relieve you of a boring task. Your dislike for monotony and routine, often means that you do not finish the things you start. A natural rhythm, a sense of colour harmony, and creative ability contribute to a flair for composition and artistic and musical expression. Expression comes easily to you; in fact, you should learn to control it and discipline your expression. You are not practical where money matters are concerned, your theory being that money is there to be spent. You are kind and generous, and will fill a need when you see it; at times, others take advantage of your generosity. The most serious drawback of the influence of this name is in the strong emotional feelings that it produces, which are difficult to control and create lack of stability in your thinking or in your affairs. A craving for sweet foods could cause skin conditions or liver problems. You would find it difficult to control your desires and could over-indulge in your pleasures.

Oke, als jullie dit stukje hebben gelezen, dan kennen jullie me nu door en door! OK dan! OK dan!



Berichten: 2557
Geregistreerd: 12-11-02
Woonplaats: Helmond

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 19:08

The name of Jacqueline creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words. You have a deep, artistic, and creative side which shows through a love for music and literature. Writing is a more natural mode of expression for your deeper thoughts and feelings than the spoken word. You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest. However, you prefer to avoid routine, monotony, and mental tasks. You enjoy the out-of-doors and find your greatest peace and relaxation from the beauty and harmony of nature. You prefer to limit your friendships and associations to those who share your interests and appreciate your quiet, refined ways. Others often find it difficult to understand you. Your feelings tend to build up within you and, if you cannot release them through a creative, constructive channel, you could suffer with frustration, moods, and much inner turmoil. This name causes tension in the region of the solar plexus, as well as the heart and lungs. Health problems would centre in those areas of the body.


Berichten: 2557
Geregistreerd: 12-11-02
Woonplaats: Helmond

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 19:09

Deze is van mijn vriend.

The name Wilfred gives you a strongly independent and highly creative nature, with drive and ambition to have experiences and accomplish things out of the ordinary. You can work intently at whatever is new and holds your interest at the moment, but your interest wanes quickly when drudgery and monotony set in. Obstacles to your progress or restrictions on your freedom to act create a sense of frustration which may cause you to feel resentful and even rebellious. You can then become intolerant of others, and caustic and belittling in your expression, thereby imposing stress on your personal relationships. Although you have a clever, quick, capable mind, your progress in life is restricted by instability in your affairs and misunderstandings with people. Your impulsive nature can lead to actions which you later regret taking, or to accidents. Relaxation is elusive, and depletion due to nervous tension can develop to the point where you become subject to moods of depression and morbid thoughts. Nervous tension centres in the solar plexus, with nervous indigestion and stomach ulcers a possible result.

Berichten: 8089
Geregistreerd: 09-02-01

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 20:12

Your name of Marcel creates a quick, clever mind capable of grasping and assimilating new ideas. You are rather studious, mentally challenging each new idea before accepting it. Because you learn so quickly you have little patience with those whose mental processes are somewhat slower, and you could become supercilious or somewhat "know it all" in your attitude. This characteristic could make you rather unpopular with your associates. Although you are very knowledgeable and intelligent, you often find spontaneous verbal expression difficult. You crave friendship, understanding, love, and affection about your reserved manner appears forbidding to others. You can give expression to your personal thoughts and feelings most fluently through the written word. You have a sensitive nature--sensitive to your environment and particularly sensitive to how your deeper and more serious interests are regarded by others. Your feelings are very easily hurt and to protect yourself you withdraw within the realms of your own private thoughts and shut out the rest of the world. Moods, which are your worst enemy, result. Your sensitivity and lack of verbal expression frustrate and limit the satisfaction in life to be gained from your responsible and capable nature. Health problems arise due to worry and a sensitivity in the respiratory area which could lead to problems with the heart, lungs, or bronchial organs.


Berichten: 20725
Geregistreerd: 20-04-01
Woonplaats: Grolloo

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 20:27

Wow herkenbaar!

As Marije you are rather serious-minded, responsible, and stable. You have the gift of tact and diplomacy, and possess a charming, easy-going nature which endears you to others. You have a serious desire to understand the heart and mind of everyone, and could be very effective in a career or in volunteer work where you are handling people and serving in a humanitarian way. This name also gives you a love of home and family, and as a parent you would likely be fair and understanding. You remember the thoughtful little expressions of affection and appreciation that mean so much to others, and you have the ability to create a warm and loving environment. However, you tend to put things off and avoid facing issues because of a lack of confidence and uncertainty. You often need encouragement from someone before you can come to a decision. This name creates a generally well-balanced and healthy nature, but any weakness in the health would cause problems in the fluid functions, such as kidney or bladder trouble, overweight, or swelling of the legs and ankles.

Berichten: 9637
Geregistreerd: 26-01-02

Link naar dit bericht Geplaatst: 29-07-03 20:31

Your name of Tabitha gives you a very idealistic but passive outlook on life. You desire culture and all the refinements of life but you are inclined to live in your dreams. Although you would like to do many things, procrastination undermines your accomplishment and success in life. You do not like to create issues and will do anything to avoid a conflict. Making decisions is difficult for you without the support and approval of others. This name gives you a very sensitive nature, making you feel much that you do not understand. Your feelings are easily hurt, at which times you are inclined to withdraw and become uncommunicative. Although you desire the friendship and association of others, you find it difficult to express your thoughts through the spoken word, and others find you hard to get to know. It is much more natural for you to express your deeper thoughts in writing. Inner tension can deplete your physical vitality. You are inclined to indulge in rich foods that lack proper nourishment. The physical weaknesses due to this name centre in the heart and respiratory organs, and in the fluid functions.

de mijne klopt toch wel!